Maddison Adams
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Sara Emerick
Sara Emerick
Librarian, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Darian McDonald
Darian McDonald
Speech/Drama Teacher
Casey Bisher
Mathematics, Science
Photo of Cale Weaver
Cale Weaver
Study Hall Associate
Associates, Baseball, Northwest Baseball
Photo of Amy Schaefer
Amy Schaefer
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Meg Alessio
Meg Alessio
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Sarah Enfield
Sarah Enfield
Chief Financial Officer
Administration, Business Services Department, Senior Leadership Team
Rose Moore
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Aaron Sewell
Social Studies Teacher
6th Grade Gold, Social Studies
Photo of Lynette Kohtz
Lynette Kohtz
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Justin Schmauss
Justin Schmauss
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health