On Aug. 12, 2024, Waukee Community School District implemented new policies to comply with the new compulsory attendance law in the state of Iowa.

Please read the following policies for full details and see an FAQ, example scenarios, and attendance coding below:



1. Why do we have these new attendance laws?

SF 2435 was passed as law on May 9, 2024 with an effective date of July 1, 2024. In follow up to the passing of code, the Iowa Department of Education provided guidance to school districts in Iowa in August. We wrote our policies to be in compliance with these expectations.

2. What ages fall under this policy?

Children who are at least six years old and under age sixteen by Sept. 15 are of compulsory attendance age. The provisions of the law apply to this group in terms of communication with the County Attorney, design of plans, etc. However, the District is required to report the attendance to the state for all students enrolled regardless of age.

3. What is the definition of an excused absence and an exempt absence?

An excused absence means the school has determined the absence reason is legitimate and will not impose any school-based disciplinary action. An exempt absence means the absence is exempted from the Iowa Code and will not be counted toward the chronic absenteeism law.

Please note – an absence can be excused by the school but not exempt by the state. As an example, the school will generally excuse a family vacation, but the absence will still count toward the student’s 10% (5 days) in a quarter in accordance with Iowa Code.

4. What is defined as a quarter (also known as a term)?

The 2024-25 Waukee CSD quarters are as follows:

  • Aug. 23-Oct. 25
  • Oct. 29-Jan. 16
  • Jan. 21-March 28
  • March 31-May 30

School cancellations may cause these dates to be adjusted.

5. What are the attendance recording segments for the elementary buildings?

  • Normal School Day:
    • 8:50-10:30 a.m.
    • 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
    • 12:15-1:55 p.m.
    • 1:55-3:40 p.m.
  • Two-hour Dismissal Day:
    • 8:50-10 a.m.
    • 10-11:15 a.m.
    • 11:15 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
    • 12:25-1:40 p.m.

6. I’m planning to do college visits with my student. Are those excused absences?

Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, college visits are not exempt. Our District will track these absences as required by the state and they will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the absence will be excused by the school, and we will not impose any additional school-based consequences.

7. My student wants to attend state basketball to cheer on their friends. Is that an excused absence?

Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, attending activities events as a spectator is not exempt. Our District will track these absences as required by the state and they will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the absence will be excused by the school, and we will not impose any additional school-based consequences.

8. Are family funerals an excused absence?

Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, attending funerals is not exempt. Our District will track these absences as required by the state and they will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the absence will be excused by the school, and we will not impose any additional school-based consequences.

9. We have a family vacation planned. How does that impact my student’s attendance record?

Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, family vacations are not exempt. Our District will track these absences as required by the state and they will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the absence will be excused by the school, and we will not impose any additional school-based consequences. Please notify your student’s teachers in advance of your vacation, so they can make a plan for your student to complete their school work.

10. My family is leaving the country for a couple weeks. How do we proceed?

If a family is leaving the country, they would need to be unenrolled during the time period for which they are gone. Once the family returns, the enrollment can be resumed. Please speak with your building administrator if this situation applies to your family.

11. Will keeping my child home due to a religious holiday be considered as exempt?

Students who are absent from school for religious service, holiday, or instruction will be considered absent, but will be considered excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws.   

12. My student isn’t feeling well, but it doesn’t warrant a doctor’s visit. Do I need to make an appointment to get a note?

A student may have two health-related absences in any quarter without providing documentation from a doctor’s office. A doctor’s note may be required beyond those two health related absences. Please speak with a building administrator regarding your specific situation.

13. What does it mean for my student’s attendance record if the nurse sends them home sick?

When a nurse sends a student home for health-related reasons, the absence will be considered medically exempt. A medically exempt absence will still be recorded as an absence but will be considered excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws. 

14. My student has a planned surgery (i.e., tonsillectomy). Will that count against their attendance record?

With a doctor’s note, this would be considered a medically exempt absence. A medically exempt absence will still be recorded as an absence but will be excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws. 

15. If I have to pick my student up early for an appointment, are they considered absent for the full day?

At the secondary level, a student who leaves early for an appointment will be considered absent for the period(s) or block(s) they miss. At the elementary level, the day is broken up into quarters. Elementary students will be considered absent for the quarter(s) of the day that they miss.

16. My student has recurring appointments (i.e., physical therapy, counseling, specialist). Does each appointment require a doctor’s note, or can I bring in one note for the year?

It may be possible for recurring doctor appointments to be outlined with one note. Please speak with a building administrator regarding your specific situation.

17. Who do I give a doctor’s note or other documentation to, and when?

Doctor’s notes can be given to the building secretary, nurse, or an administrator either prior to the absence or upon return.

18. What happens if my student’s bus is late?

Students will not be counted absent or tardy due to bus-related delays.

19. Are you extending passing periods to help students get to class on time in secondary schools?

We are not extending passing periods at the secondary level. Current passing periods allow for students to get to their next class on time. If students are less than 5 minutes late for a class, they would be counted tardy and not absent. If they are late 5 minutes or more to any classes (after their first class), they will be reported as absent.

20. What is the District doing to help families comply with these policies?

If families need support from school personnel to help them with strategies to comply with these policies, please contact your school’s administrator or counselor.

21. Where can I see my student’s attendance record?

You can see your student’s attendance record by logging into the PowerSchool portal at https://waukee.powerschool.com beginning Aug. 16. Your student’s absences are displayed on the landing page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a list of absence types.

22. What are all the different types of absences, and can I see that in PowerSchool?

The following are specific examples provided by the Iowa Department of Education. The attendance codes that will be visible in PowerSchool, as recommended by the Iowa Department of Education, are visible at the bottom of this document.


Scenarios Provided by the Iowa Department of Education

A student is present per SF2435:

  • Participating in state athletic competition, show choir, art show, attending community college course, CTE placement, school-directed/supervised activity (e.g., FFA Conference, Art Show, Class Trip), medically homebound but completing work 

A student is absent and not exempt per SF2435:

  • Family vacation, funeral, “out of town,” helping family (e.g., planting, harvest, working shift at family business), arrived to school then skipped classes, college visit, student is not at school and there is no parent contact or the parent does not give a reason, watching classmates in competition, car trouble, vehicle accident

A student is absent, but potentially exempt per SF2435 based on information/documentation provided:

  • Planned medical treatment, Medical appointment; Home ill, Parent or sibling medical emergency

A student is absent but exempt per SF2435:

  • Religious service, holiday, or education, Court-directed activity, Jury Duty, IEP that restricts attendance, Section 504 plan that restricts attendance


Attendance Coding

Code Description Presence
T Tardy (T) – Used if a student is late to school/class. Present
MEDA Medical Appointment (AE) – Attending a non-illness medical appointment and has a doctor’s note. Absent-Exempt
MEDF Medical Absence – Family Excused (AE) –  Used when parental contact is made, the child is home sick and no doctor’s note has been requested. (2 per quarter) Absent-Exempt
MEDX Medical Exempt (AE) – Unable to attend school due to a legitimate medical illness and a doctor’s note is provided, or the student was sent home by the nurse/school. Absent-Exempt
MED Medical (ANE) – Used when parental contact is made, the child is home sick and no doctor’s note is provided when requested. Absent Non-Exempt
MEDP Medical (P) – Used if absent for any medical appointment that isn’t long enough to count as an absence. Present
SRP School Related (P) – Used if a student is out of the building on a school associated absence – field trips, athletics, activities, etc. Present
SRNP School Related (ANE) – Used if a student is out of the building on a school associated event, but not participating. Absent Non-Exempt
SOVN Nurse (P) – Used if a student misses class due to a health office visit.  Present
SOVO In Guidance/Office (P) – Used if student missed class due to visiting with counselor/administrator Present
UN Unexcused Absence (ANE) – Used when a student skips class or absent with no parent contact after multiple attempts. Absent Non-Exempt
FAME Parent Emergency (ANE) – Used when a student has a family emergency, car trouble, etc. Absent Non-Exempt
FAMF Funeral (ANE) – Used when a student is absent for bereavement.  Absent Non-Exempt
FAMP Parent Excused (ANE) – Used when a student has a parent excused absence. Absent Non-Exempt
FAMV Vacation (ANE) – Used when a student is on vacation or a parent just wants to keep them home. Absent Non-Exempt
ISS In School Suspension (P) – Used only for ISS.  Present
OSS Out of School Suspension (ANE) – Used only for OSS.  Absent Non-Exempt
CRTX Court Exempt (AE) – Excused for sufficient reason by any court of record or Judge such as a juvenile detention center  Absent Exempt
RELX Religious Exempt (AE) – Attending religious services or receiving religious instruction.  Absent Exempt
IEPX IEP Exempt (AE) – Individualized Education Program (IEP) that affects attendance. Absent Exempt
504X 504 Exempt (AE) – Section 504 plan under the Federal Rehabilitation Act that affects attendance. Absent Exempt
GRDX Completed Graduation Requirements (AE) – Completed the requirement for graduation or has obtained a high school equivalency diploma.  Absent Exempt
CV College Visit (ANE) – Used when a student is on a college visit.  Absent Non-Exempt