Algebra I – RAI This course is designed as a college preparatory course to continue studies in mathematics and science. Areas of study include solving linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, and systems of equations using real numbers. Also included are graphing (both on a number line and in a coordinate plane), factoring, and working with functions. Problem-solving will occur with all the above topics. The student will: Math Concepts II Math Concepts II is designed as a prerequisite course for Algebra I and Consumer Math. Math Concepts II improves a student’s foundational skills and prepares them for Algebra I or Consumer Math. It is for the student who needs additional work on basic mathematical concepts and fundamental algebraic ideas. The student will: Basic Geometry Several mathematical concepts are learned by experimentation and construction. The student will: Formal Geometry – RAI This course is designed for college-bound students who intend to enroll in Algebra II. It uses both plane and spatial objects to accomplish a sound development of logic. Students are given frequent opportunities to use definitions, postulates, and theorems to formulate proofs. A deep study of triangles and other polygons is included. A short time is spent on straight-edge and compass constructions. The student will: Algebra II – RAI Algebra II enhances the problem-solving process started in Algebra I by continuing to develop the basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra. Algebra II gives students the opportunity to model real data by understanding and applying the algebraic concepts of equations and inequalities, basic relations and functions, polynomials, and exponential functions. Students in Algebra II are able to describe the world around them by utilizing estimation, technology, and graphing techniques. Algebra II is designed to meet part of the three-year entrance requirements for mathematics to most colleges. Algebra II provides a valuable background for those entering technical fields and also serves as a useful course for other college-bound students. The student will: Foundations of Algebra II, Part 1 and Part 2 – RAI This course is designed to cover some topics found in the 2-term Algebra II curriculum with opportunities for additional review and practice built into the daily lessons. It is for the student who needs self-confidence in mathematics and more emphasis on fundamental algebraic ideas. It is intended to be equivalent to the standard second-year algebra course. Meets the same requirements for college acceptance. Part 1 Prerequisites: Algebra I, Basic Geometry or Formal Geometry The student will: Part 2 Prerequisites: Foundations of Algebra II (part 1) The student will: Consumer Math This course focuses on the basic skills necessary to function in everyday life situations. This course will familiarize the student by applying math skills to personal finances. The student will: Finite Math – RAI The student will: Introduction to Data Science This course will introduce students to the main ideas in data science through tools such as Google Sheets, Python, Data Commons, and Tableau. Students will learn to be data explorers in project-based units, through which they will develop their understanding of data analysis, sampling, correlation/causation, bias and uncertainty, probability, modeling with data, making and evaluating data-based arguments, the power of data in society, and more! The students will… Trigonometry – RAI This course would explore in-depth applications of trigonometry in numerous chosen fields of study. Students will become more aware of the uses of trigonometry as they relate to the fields of astronomy, surveying, navigation, construction, geography, physics, engineering, chemistry, and calculus. The student will: AP Pre-Calculus – RAI The AP Precalculus course is equivalent to a first-semester precalculus course. The course provides students with an understanding of the concepts of college algebra, trigonometry, and additional topics that prepare students for further college-level mathematics courses. Students will explore a variety of function types and their applications and develop the mathematical practices of procedural and symbolic fluency, multiple representations, and communication and reasoning. In turn, the skills learned in this course are widely applicable to situations that involve quantitative reasoning. Students will engage in the following units: AP Calculus AB – RAI The student will: AP Calculus BC (Calculus II) – RAI The student will: Probability and Statistics – RAI This course will provide an introduction to statistics and probability, and how they are applied to the real world. The general areas of study will include analyzing data, graphic displays, probability rules, counting principles, simulations, random variables, normal distributions, and regression analysis. The intent of this course is to help prepare the student for college and for further study in mathematics. The student will: AP Statistics – RAI Students who successfully complete the course may receive college credit through the AP Statistics examination or directly from DMACC as a concurrent credit course. AP Statistics corresponds to MAT 157 Elementary Statistics at DMACC. Students may earn 4 credits upon successful completion of both terms.Mathematics Department Courses
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or consent of instructor
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 Terms
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Formal Geometry
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 TERMS
Category: Elective
Offered to grades: 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Math Concepts or Algebra
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra II
Dual Credit (DMACC) Course This is a general education course in practical mathematics for those students not majoring in mathematics or science. This course will include such topics as set operations and applications, methods of counting, probability, systems of linear equations, matrices, geometric linear programming, and an introduction to Markov chains. The use of a graphing calculator is required.
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1 TERMS
Category: Elective
Recommended Prerequisites: Algebra II or Foundations of Algebra II
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1 Term
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra II (B or higher recommended)
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Trigonometry – Recommended C or higher in Trigonometry
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus (B or higher recommended)
Dual Credit (DMACC) Course This course contains coverage of all topics required for the AP Calculus AB exam and is designed for prospective mathematics majors as well as for students whose primary interests are in engineering, physics, business, or the life sciences. Applications include approximations by differentials, work, max./min. and solids of revolution problems. Techniques of differentiation and integrations are studied throughout the course.
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB
Dual Credit (DMACC) Course The course contains coverage of all topics required for the AP Calculus BC exam and is designed for students whose primary interests are mathematics, engineering, physics, business or life sciences. The course will include all topics from AP Calculus AB, as well as additional topics listed below:
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1 Term
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra II or Foundations of Algebra II (C or higher recommended)
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 2 TERMS
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra II
Dual Credit (DMACC) Course This course is a college freshman-level course offered at Waukee High School. This course offers students an opportunity to earn college math credit in addition to or instead of taking AP Calculus.
High School Mathematics
Mathematics Department Courses