K-12 Math Curriculum

The Iowa Academic Standards for Mathematics serve as a compass, guiding educators and students through the rich landscape of mathematical learning. These standards define the knowledge, skills, and concepts that students should acquire and be able to apply as a result of their mathematical instruction and experiences. This curriculum demands a delicate balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application. The standards equip students with the proficiency needed for seamless transitions into postsecondary education and the workforce.

Four main components:

  • Content Standards
  • Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • The Three Shifts in Mathematics Instruction
  • Effective Teaching Practices

Together, these components form the cornerstone of mathematics education in Iowa, embodying a commitment to excellence and opportunity for all learners.

Elementary MathIMG 9426

Elementary students are exposed to a balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application allowing them to progress from arithmetic to Algebra. Students spend time on the major work of their grade levels. The primary focus in K-2 is on addition and subtraction — concepts, skills, and problem-solving. In grades 3-5, students work on multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions — concepts, skills, and problem-solving. Students solve a range of complex, well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem-solving strategies.  They clearly and precisely create viable arguments to support their reasoning and critique the reasoning of others. Students analyze complex, real-world scenarios and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.

Middle School Math (Grade 6-8)

In grades 6-8, students build a strong mathematical foundation through a progression of skills, problem-solving, and real-world applications. Each grade builds on foundational skills, moving from basic arithmetic and geometry in 6th grade to more advanced topics like algebra, functions, and data analysis in 8th grade. Learn more about the courses at the links below.

High School Math (Grades 9-12)

High schoolers focus on deepening mathematical understanding and applying concepts in more abstract and complex ways. The standards are organized into five key areas of mathematics: Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Mathematical Practices. As students move into high school, they will have a variety of foundational and advanced math course offerings to choose from. The individual course descriptions can be viewed using the links below.

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