Eighth Grade Required Year-Long Classes Algebra IA This course covers material from the first semester of Algebra I, in addition to an emphasis on problem-solving, building number sense, and foundational math skills the student will master: Algebra I – RAI This course is designed as a college preparatory course for continued studies in mathematics and science. Areas of study include solving linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, and systems of equations using real numbers, graphing (both on a number line and in a coordinate plane), factoring, working with functions, as well as problem-solving. The student will master: Algebra II – RAI Algebra II enhances the problem-solving process started in Algebra I by continuing to develop the basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra. Algebra II gives students the opportunity to model real data by understanding and applying the algebraic concepts of equations and inequalities, regression equations, basic relations and functions, polynomials, and exponential functions. Students in Algebra II are able to describe the world around them by utilizing estimation, technology, and graphing techniques,. Algebra II is designed to meet part of the three-year entrance requirements for mathematics to most colleges. Algebra II provides a valuable background for those entering technical fields and also serves as a useful course for other college-bound students. The student will master:
English Language Arts Through experiences with short stories, novels, independent reading projects, and in-class reading instruction, students study a variety of literary genres with assessments tailored to develop essential reading, communication, and thinking skills. Multiple formal writing assessments, ranging from creative poems, stories, essays, and formal argumentative writing, are completed throughout the year. Extended reading and writing opportunities allow students to work towards meeting both common and individual goals and include the integration of learning necessary to successfully master grade-level skills on the proficiency scales. Formal Geometry – RAI This course is designed for college-bound students who intend to enroll in Algebra II. It uses both planar and spatial objects to develop deep understanding of geometric relationships and logic. Students are given frequent opportunities to use definitions, postulates and theorems to formulate proofs of relationships studied in class. The student will master: Science In this 8th-grade science class, students will: Social Studies Eighth-grade social studies students will focus on American History from the pre-colonial settlement through the Civil War. An emphasis is placed on historical events during the time period, America’s cultural diversity, the basis of a democratic society, and recognizing the need to study the past and relate it to the present. Eighth Grade Required Semester Classes Health Students will create a personal wellness plan based on the 7 dimensions of wellness, while utilizing community health resources. Students will study the characteristics of mentally healthy individuals, including topics such as maintaining healthy relationships, managing stress, and resisting negative peer pressure. Additionally, students will summarize physical and emotional changes of puberty, and identify factors that support sexual health. Physical Education The goals of this course are to develop physical fitness, establish an understanding of individual and team sports while promoting a healthy lifestyle. Students will develop specialized motor skills; understand movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics in physical activity; acquire understanding of health-related fitness components; demonstrate safe practices, rules, procedures, and etiquette in all physical activity settings; develop respect for others and participate cooperatively in physical activity; understand the personal, social, and emotional benefits of physical activity; and understand the health benefits of physical activity. Eighth Grade Electives Art Eighth grade art is a daily course for one semester. It is designed to teach students to become critical thinkers and visual problem solvers via exploring new and familiar media through drawing, painting, and ceramics. In this course students will be made aware of the creative process, that includes planning, creating, presenting, responding, and connecting. Students begin to see how the creative process relates to all disciplines, and come to know art as a tool of communication and self expression. Studio assignments have a connection to art history and are reinforced with thoughtful art criticism and appreciation, strengthening analytical thinking skills. Automation & Robotics/Applied Engineering In this daily, semester-long course, students will acquire knowledge and skills in engineering problem solving by working in teams to solve design problems related to automated systems through the use of the design process. They will learn about structures, machine automation, and computer control systems in a variety of hands-on problem solving activities. Students apply the engineering design process along with math and science applications to solve a series of design problem activities. They will learn about following design constraints based on client specifications and then fabricate successful prototypes to be tested. Example units would include building simple mechanisms and navigating challenges using a virtual robot. These units promote communication and collaboration by emphasizing a teaming approach to solving problems. Band This year-long, daily course is a continuation of skills and techniques learned in 7th Grade Band. The course focuses on proper playing technique on a chosen band instrument, tone production, reading of music notation and symbols, music composition, and proper ensemble performance practice. Grades will be based on periodic performance assessments. These may include scales, method book exercises, solo and ensemble literature, honor band audition material, and concert music check-off. In addition to the regular band program, students will have the opportunity to participate in honor band and solo/ensemble contests. Students interested in participating in Jazz Band must be enrolled in this band course. 8th Grade Band builds upon concepts learned in band class in previous grades. Students interested in joining Band who do not have previous experience in a band class and/or those who are new to playing wind or percussion instruments should contact the Band Director to discuss enrollment options prior to registration. Choir Enrollment for this year-long, daily course is open to all Waukee 8th grade students. Students will participate in a choral ensemble in which they will be learning techniques appropriate for the middle level learner. Students will have the opportunity to sing a variety of choral literature during the school year, and will be involved in two or three formal performances in which they will celebrate their skills and talents with the community. Students enrolled in curricular 8th grade choir are eligible to audition for additional co-curricular activities outside of the school day, such as show choir and honor choir(s). Code, Create, Innovate This course introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science, focusing on developing computational thinking and problem-solving skills. Through hands-on activities, projects, and interactive lessons, students will explore various aspects of computer science and technology in today’s world. FCS Human Services In this hands-on course, students will build practical life skills that prepare them for future personal and professional success. They will explore key aspects of healthy relationships, practice effective communication and conflict resolution, and learn how to set goals and manage finances. From caring for children in various settings to preparing delicious and nutritious meals, students will develop essential skills for life. They will also dive into nutrition and wellness, making informed food choices to support a healthy lifestyle. *Students can register for both Human Services and Visual Design courses. FCS Visual Design Students will embark on a creative journey through the world of visual arts and design, exploring a range of exciting career possibilities. From understanding the impact of advertising to designing captivating spaces with interior design principles, students will gain valuable skills and insights. They’ll learn to create visually stunning plate and table settings, apply essential sewing techniques, and bring their unique styles to life through fashion and textiles. *Students can register for both Human Services and Visual Design courses. German I – RAI In German I, students will develop the ability to communicate about themselves and the immediate world around them using simple sentences with basic structures. They will experience German through stories, songs and authentic activities. They will experience the culture of German-speaking people and learn about the products, practices and perspectives of the culture. Students also engage in holiday celebrations in relation to culture. In German 1, students become language learners in the areas of communication, culture, comparison, connection, and communities. This course is a prerequisite for German II, and is for high school credit. Please note that there is NO world language requirement for graduation from the Waukee Community School District. It is a very useful life skill, and can help increase scores for the RAI index for admission to Regent Universities, but is not a required class. Spanish I – RAI In Spanish I, students will develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. Students will also become language learners in the areas of communication, culture, comparison, connection, and communities. This course will also allow students to develop a more complex vocabulary of the target language in order to communicate and explore themes of Personal and Family life, School Life, Emotions, body environment, and many more. This course is a prerequisite for Spanish II and is for high school credit. Please note that there is NO world language requirement for graduation from the Waukee Community School District. It is a very useful life skill, and can help increase scores for the RAI index for admission to Regent Universities, but is not a required class. Theatre Production Video Production Lights, Camera, Action! Students will explore introductory video production and filmmaking techniques in a variety of production genres including television newscasting, short film, PSAs, and other platforms. They will consider how storyboarding, camera technique, technology, and video editing can help craft an engaging viewing experience. Learning will be applied in the creation of original video material which will be written, performed, and filmed by students. Eighth Grade Course Descriptions
Prerequisite: Formal Geometry
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Students will:
8th Grade Course Descriptions
Eighth Grade Required Year-Long Classes Eighth Grade Required Semester Classes Eighth Grade Electives Eighth Grade Course Descriptions