Concert Band (WHS) / Symphonic Band (NWHS) This ensemble is open to all 10th – 12th grade band students and performs at home football games and concerts throughout the year as well as at area festivals and competitions. In addition to receiving individual lessons, students are encouraged to participate in various honor bands and solo and ensemble contests. The principles of musicianship are taught as they relate to intonation, phrasing, tone, color, balance, and blend. Chair placements for this ensemble will occur as a result of auditions each spring. The marching band season – including summer camps and fall performances – is a required unit for students enrolled in this course. Wind Symphony (WHS & NWHS) The wind symphony is a select auditioned group open to all 10th – 12th grade band students that performs at home football games and concerts throughout the year as well as at area festivals and competitions. In addition to receiving individual lessons, students are encouraged to participate in various honor bands and solo and ensemble contests. The principles of musicianship are taught as they relate to intonation, phrasing, tone, color, balance, and blend. Auditions for this ensemble will occur each spring. The marching band season – including summer camps and fall performances – is a required unit for students enrolled in this course. Foundations of Individual Musicianship (WHS & NWHS) Foundations of Individual Musicianship is an extension of the band period offered as a “skinny” during Block “1B”. Individual and independent rehearsal techniques are expanded upon, supplemental music is prepared, and sight-reading skills are further developed. Students will explore different musical styles, composers, and current events in music and apply increased understanding to individual performance and audition opportunities. Concurrent enrollment in a high school band (Concert / Symphonic Band or Wind Symphony) is required. This course may be taken for up to four terms of the year as scheduling allows. Marching Band (Color Guard Only) Any student who is not enrolled in band but is interested in being a part of the color guard may join either the Northwest Royal Brigade (NWHS) or the Waukee Warrior Regiment (WHS). Members of the color guard will audition in the spring and attend camps throughout June and August. The guard will perform as members of the Brigade and the Regiment at home football games and contests throughout the area. A Cappella/Northwest Singers A Cappella and Northwest Singers are auditioned ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. These ensembles audition each spring; selected students are expected to read music at a high level and perform with a higher level of independence than the non-auditioned choral ensembles. Participation in these ensembles includes extra performances during the school year and weekly sectionals that are student-led and held outside of the school day. Students will also be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day throughout the school year. Bass Clef / Northwest Glee Club Bass Clef and Glee Club are non-auditioned, clef-specific ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. These ensembles are composed of bass clef singers who also participate in one of the mixed ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. Students in these ensembles will be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day and performances throughout the school year. Bella Voce/Vox Musica Bella Voce and Vox are non-auditioned, clef-specific ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. These ensembles are composed of treble clef singers in 10th grade in the 10-12 buildings. Students in these ensembles will be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day and performances throughout the school year. Cantate/Cantala Cantate and Cantala are non-auditioned, clef-specific ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. These ensembles are composed of treble clef singers who also participate in one of the mixed ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. Students in these ensembles will be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day and performances throughout the school year. Concert Choir Concert Choir is a non-auditioned ensemble open to any singer in grades 11-12 in the 10-12 buildings. Concert Choir students are eligible and encouraged to participate in other musical opportunities outside of the school day. Students will also be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day and performances throughout the school year. Warrior Chor/Wülfchor Warrior Chor and Wulfchor are non-auditioned, clef-specific ensembles in the 10-12 buildings. These ensembles are composed of bass clef singers in 10th grade in the 10-12 buildings. Students in these ensembles will be expected to attend voice lessons during the school day and performances throughout the school year. *Lessons are required for singers enrolled in the above ensembles* Music History/Theory This course is designed to give the students the necessary fundamentals and historical background for college study in music. Stylistic characteristics, major composers, and monumental musical works are studied from historical periods. Note reading, scales, intervals, and composition will be explored in detail. Students will know and understand how music is constructed; be able to read and understand written music; identify specific characteristics of music by historical placement; and identify and contrast major historical figures in music. Music Department Courses
Offered to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None / Co-Requisite: None; Auditioned Ensemble
Offered to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None / Co-Requisite: None; Auditioned Ensemble
Offered to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1-4 Term – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None / Co-Requisite: Concert / Symphonic Band or Wind Symphony
Offered to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1 Term – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None / Co-Requisite: None; Auditioned Ensemble
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None; auditioned ensemble
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 4 Terms – SKINNY
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12
Length: 1 Term
Category: Elective
Prerequisite: 2 terms of Vocal and/or Instrumental Music; or approval of director pending previous musical experience
High School Music
Music Department Courses