About Career Services

Career Services helps prepare students for success beyond graduation. Located in the Waukee Innovation & Learning Center, the Career Center serves K-12 students in the Waukee Community School District. The center offers a place for students to:

  • Explore career pathways via guest speakers, job shadowing, and more
  • Connect with part-time/summer jobs and internships via an online job board (coming soon!)
  • Attend career workshops and hone skills such as resume writing, interviewing, and networking

Waukee is committed to providing all students with the knowledge, experiences, and opportunities necessary for success in school, the workforce, and life. The Career Center prepares students to be future-ready by offering resources, support, and guidance in career education.

Services include:

  • Career Exploration & Career Assessments
  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  • LinkedIn Development
  • Job Application Assistance
  • Interview Preparation
  • Networking Events
  • Job Listings
  • Career Days & Career Fairs
  • Trainings on Early Out and Non-School Days
  • Advisory Lessons

Get Involved:

Students: To request an appointment or resume review, email careercenter@waukeeschools.org. We will also offer drop-in days at NWHS (Mondays), WHS (Tuesdays), and the WILC (Wednesdays).

Business Partners: We are looking for businesses and organizations to participate in speaking opportunities, informational interviews, job shadows, paid and unpaid internships, panel discussions, mock interviews, and more. We would also like to highlight local businesses and organizations, so students can learn about potential opportunities for jobs and future careers. If you are interested in partnering with our Career Center and learning about more opportunities, contact careercenter@waukeeschools.org.

Contact Us:

Mindi Heitland, Career Services Coordinator

Listen to our Podcast about the Career Center