Northwest High School Music Packages – RFQ

Northwest High School Weight Room & Fitness Equipment

Northwest High School Woods and Metals Studio 

Northwest High School Networking Equipment – RFQ


  • Storage Room Fencing
    • Des Moines Steel Fence

Request for Quote: Stage Lighting and Rigging Inspections

Deadline has Expired

The Waukee Community School District seeks an Experienced and ETCP Certified Inspector with whom we can establish an agreement for annual stage and theatrical rigging inspection, maintenance, and repair services for lighting and counterweight systems, fire curtains, and smoke hatches in the District’s four performing arts facilities.

Questions to the District are due by February 19, 2025, at 1 p.m. Responses to questions will be emailed to vendors upon request. All questions should be directed to Brittany Smith via email only at

Notice to Bidders: North Middle School Furniture Project

Deadline has Expired

The Board of Education of the Waukee Community School District will receive sealed bids for furniture installation at North Middle School, 1235 NW Douglas Pkwy, Waukee, IA 50263.

Construction may begin following Owner receipt and approval of required Contracts, Bonds, and Insurance. Furniture installation in the school can begin on the 1st day of April 2025. The Owner requires that the Project be Substantially Complete on or before the 14th day of July 2025.

The Board of Education will receive Bids before 2:00 PM on the 6th day of February 2025 in the District Board Room, 560 SE University Ave., Waukee, IA 50263.

Request for Quotes: Trailridge Fitness/Weight Equipment

Deadline has Expired

Results approved at the 1/27/25 School Board Meeting:

Deadlines for this RFQ are being modified in the following manner (all other elements of the RFQ not mentioned in these updates remain the same) due to unforeseen circumstances:

  • The deadline for asking questions has been extended through 1/14/15 at 2:00 pm. Please continue to email those questions to me. 
  • As I gather responses, I will be posting them in an ongoing manner to our business services site. To further assist in communication, I will also be sending emails to all who have expressed interest notifying them that the questions have been updated. 
  • Sealed quotes are now due on 1/21/25 at 2:00 pm in the same manner (email or mail).

The RFQ is issued with the intent of submitting a quote for supplying fitness/weight equipment for Trailridge School with the Waukee Community School District as per the specifications attached. Trailridge School (1455 NW Douglas Parkway, Waukee) opened in 2023. A floor plan is included on the last page of this RFQ. 


Request for Quotes: Trailridge Library Re-Opening Collection

Deadline has Expired

Due to the reconfiguration of grade level assignments in several secondary schools in the Waukee Community School District, Waukee CSD seeks a vendor who will fulfill the requirements listed below; delivery and installation will likely occur in late July or early August of 2025:

●  Pack the current Trailridge Library & ELA Book Room collection of approximately 10,000 books including provision of boxes
●  Transport the current Trailridge Library & ELA Book Room collection to its permanent home at North Middle School (0.4 mile distance)
●  Shelve the current Trailridge Library & ELA Book Room collection in its permanent home at North Middle School
●  Provide materials for and shelve the Trailridge 9th Re-Opening Collection (more information attached)
●  Removal of debris

Request for Quotes: Natatorium Swim Shop Vendor

Deadline has Expired

During events/competitions hosted by Waukee CSD and outside groups who are renting the facility, the vendor would supply, staff, and operate a swim shop on-site at the Waukee CSD Natatorium for the purposes of providing competition gear for purchase. Please review additional information in the attachment below.

Request for Quotes: North Middle School Network, Phone, and UPS Equipment

Deadline has Expired

North Middle School is scheduled to open fall of 2025. North Middle School is approximately 160,000 square feet with six data closets – one MDF and five IDFs. The work of installing switches, phones, UPSs, and wireless access points will need to be completed as the building project reaches completion in the early part of 2025. Please provide a proposed timeline of procurement, installation and configuration, and a statement of work with quotes for all services and products.

Request for Quotes: Projectors and Installation

Deadline has Expired

Replace or install projectors for the 2024-25 school year at Timberline School, Grant Ragan Elementary School, Maple Grove Elementary School, and Woodland Hills Elementary School with L210W or appropriately sized new Epson branded projectors. Additional details are found in the attached RFQ document. Questions to the District are due by September 16th at 4 p.m. Responses to questions will be emailed to vendors upon request. All questions should be directed to Brittany Smith via email only. 

Request for Quotes: Fix Asset Inventory & Appraisal

Deadline has Expired

The Waukee Community School District (WCSD) requests written proposals to perform a comprehensive physical inventory and valuation of all fixed assets, technology, furniture, and equipment. WCSD serves approximately 13,500 students in its 20 attendance centers. In addition, the district’s central administrative departments are housed in four additional buildings throughout the district.

WCSD wishes to have the Fixed Asset Physical Inventory completed in Fall 2024, with the final reconciliation received by December 31, 2024.

Request for Proposals: Waterford Elementary Playground

Deadline has Expired

It is the District’s intent to install new modular playground units at Waterford Elementary School which is currently under construction and is planned to be completed in late Spring of 2024. Work may commence any time after May 13, 2024, and before July 8, 2024. Equipment Installation shall be substantially completed and ready for soft-surfacing installation (by others) by July 29, 2024.

Notice to Bidders: Waukee High School Fine Arts Addition & Renovations Project

Deadline has Expired

The Board of Education of the Waukee Community School District will receive sealed bids for the construction of an Auditorium addition to Waukee High School of masonry and steel construction totaling approximately 34,000 square feet, and renovation totaling 48,000 sf and associated site work located in Waukee, IA.

Construction may begin immediately following execution of agreement and Owner receipt and approval of required Bonds and Insurance. The Owner requires that the Project be Substantially Complete on or before the 5th day of August, 2026.

Request for Quotes: Athletic Apparel & Equipment

Deadline has Expired

Questions are due to the District via email to Brittany Smith, Accounting Specialist — by April 9 at 4 p.m. The proposed contract start date is June 1, 2024, with options for renewal on 6/1/2025, 6/1/2026, and 6/1/2027. The RFQ response must include an overview of the company, sample contract or agreement, pricing structure (discounts or rebates), customer testimonials or references, and included/excluded items.

Notice to Bidders: Brookview Elementary Parking Lot Reconstruction Project

Deadline has Expired

Project includes the removal of approximately 7,900 SY of concrete pavement, and the installation of approximately 8,350 SY of new concrete pavement with subgrade preparation, rock subbase, and subdrains. Also included is approximately 1,680 SY of sidewalk; 100 LF of storm sewer and 4 storm structures; grading; pavement markings; sodding and landscaping; erosion control; and parking lot lighting.

The site will be available starting June 3, 2024, for commencement of work. Substantial completion shall be by August 2, 2024. Final completion shall be by September 27, 2024.

Notice to Bidders: Waukee CSD North Transportation & Operations Facility Project

Deadline has Expired

The Board of Education of the Waukee Community School District will receive sealed bids for the construction of multiple one-story buildings of masonry and steel construction totaling approximately 37,653 square feet, and associated site work located in Waukee, IA. Construction may begin immediately following execution of the agreement and owner receipt and approval of required Bonds and Insurance. The Owner requires that the project be substantially complete on or before the 31st day of October 2025.

Request for Quotes - Alto Shaam Combi Ovens

Deadline has Expired

Waukee Nutrition Services Department is seeking quotes for Alto Shaam Combi ovens. Installation of equipment will be bid separately.

Notice to Bidders: Waukee CSD North Transportation & Operations Public Improvement Plan Project

Deadline has Expired

The project site is located near the Waukee CSD North Transportation facility, 29268 260th Street, Dallas Center, Iowa; between T Avenue and U Avenue. The project includes the grading and paving of approximately 3,840 LF of 2-lane, 24-foot wide 5” HMA pavement with gravel shoulders, rock base, subdrains, and subgrade preparation with cement stabilization. Utility construction includes approximately 11,760 LF of 2” sanitary forcemain; 2,140 LF of 8” watermain; 120 LF of storm sewer; and 12,000 LF of 2” fiber conduit. Also includes pavement markings, signage, seeding, erosion control, and traffic control. The site will be available starting April 22, 2024, for commencement of work. Work shall be substantially completed by August 30, 2024. Final completion shall be by September 27, 2024.