Ansley Katz
Instrumental Music Teacher
Band, Music
Photo of C. Stuart Kennedy
C. Stuart Kennedy
2nd Grade
Photo of Sandy Elson
Sandy Elson
Childcare Instructor
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Mary Primrose Vincent
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Cynthia Champlin
Cynthia Champlin
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Alex Snodgrass
Performing Arts Center Manager
Band, Music, Northwest Band, Northwest Vocal Music, Office Team, Operations Department, Speech, Theatre, Vocal Music, Waukee Jazz Choir, Waukee Show Choir, Waukee Vocal Music
Photo of Cheryl Kahler
Cheryl Kahler
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Denise Denton
Photo of Jaycie Eaton
Jaycie Eaton
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Kevin Kanaskie
Kevin Kanaskie
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Basketball, Physical Education/Health, Waukee Boys Basketball
Andrew Schrodt
Operations Department
Photo of Breanna Tisl
Breanna Tisl
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate