Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter B
Photo of Patricia Baccam
Patricia Baccam
Nutrition Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Zymrije Baftiq
Special Education Associate
Photo of Wendi Baggett
Wendi Baggett
Math Lab Teacher
Student Services
Photo of Lindsay Bahnsen
Lindsay Bahnsen
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Amanda Bahnsen
Amanda Bahnsen
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Literacy Interventionist
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Becky Bailey
Becky Bailey
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Raghdah Bajbouj
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Azim Bajramovic
Azim Bajramovic
Night Custodian
Photo of Zajim Bajramovic
Zajim Bajramovic
Day Custodian
Photo of Andy Baker
Andy Baker
Day Custodian
Jericho Baker
Language Arts Teacher (8/9)
Heidi Baker
Student Services Secretary
Hilary Bakker
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Gabe Bakker
Gabe Bakker
Head Football Coach, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Football, Strength & Conditioning, Waukee Football, Waukee Strength and Conditioning
Danielle Bakker
Special Education Associate
Photo of Sarah Baldi
Sarah Baldi
German Teacher
World Language
Photo of Andrea Baldwin
Andrea Baldwin
Language Arts Teacher
7th Grade Purple
Alec Baldwin
Boys Assistant Track Coach, Assistant Cross Country Coach
Cross Country, Track, Waukee Boys Cross Country, Waukee Boys Track and Field
Kristie Baldwin
Lunch/Recess Associate
Photo of Angie Ball
Angie Ball
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Angela Baney
Special Ed Associate
Brett Barber
Facility/Intramural Supervisor
Community Education Department
Blake Barnett
Special Ed Assoicate
Photo of Derek Barnhouse
Derek Barnhouse
Assistant Principal at Brookview
Photo of Yesenia Barrera Mancera
Yesenia Barrera Mancera
Day Custodian
Photo of Beau Barrett
Beau Barrett
Technology Teacher
Hali Barrett
Assistant Child Care Site Supervisor
Photo of Melissa Barrie
Melissa Barrie
Social Studies Teacher
7th Grade Blue
Chloe Barrier
2nd Grade
Photo of Douglas Barry
Douglas Barry
Principal at Walnut Hills
Administration, Principals
Jennifer Barry
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Barbara Bartemes
Barbara Bartemes
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Business Services Department
Photo of Arati Barve
Arati Barve
ESOL Associate
Photo of Jared Battani
Jared Battani
Night Custodian
Photo of Kari Battles-Brown
Kari Battles-Brown
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Photo of Nicole Baugh
Nicole Baugh
Counselors, Student Services
Kevin Bauman
Head Boys Tennis Coach
Waukee Boys Tennis
Photo of Steven Baumeister
Steven Baumeister
Senior Technology Analyst
Technology Department
Photo of Aileen Bavas
Aileen Bavas
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Sean Bealer
Assistant Baseball Coach
Waukee Baseball
Photo of Erica Beals
Erica Beals
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Benjamin Bean
Operations Department
Gaudy Beatty
Photo of Frances Beavers
Frances Beavers
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Meggan Bebout
Meggan Bebout
Art Teacher
Photo of Adria Bechthold
Adria Bechthold
Preschool Teacher
Preschool, Special Education Teacher
Photo of Alyson Bechtum
Alyson Bechtum
Science Teacher
Senahid Becirovic
Nutrition Site Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
April Beck
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Mia Beck
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Tanya Becker
Tanya Becker
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of James Becker
James Becker
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Kathryn Becker
Kathryn Becker
Kindergarten Teacher
Hannah Beeler
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Mallory Beenken
Mallory Beenken
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Shawn Beenken
Shawn Beenken
Physical Education Teacher
Baseball, Physical Education/Health, Waukee Baseball
Vardhinee Vanajeswari Beeseety
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kristin Beeson
Kristin Beeson
English Teacher
Nicholas Behrends
Instrumental Music Teacher
Band, Music
Photo of Alissa Beisner
Alissa Beisner
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Craig Belden
Facility Supervisor
Community Education Department
Angie Bell
Secretary - Student Services
Office Team, Student Services
Emily Bemis
Head Dance Team Coach
Dance, Waukee Dance Team
Photo of Sara Bengfort
Sara Bengfort
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Andrew Bennett
Andrew Bennett
Instructional Data Analyst
School Improvement Department
Photo of Amanda Bennett
Amanda Bennett
2nd Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Jessica Bennett
Jessica Bennett
Instructional Coach
Teacher Leadership
Daniel Benson
Band Teacher
Band, Music
Photo of Jessica Bergman
Jessica Bergman
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Cari Bergman
Cari Bergman
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Minavere Berisha
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Chris Berry
Chris Berry
English as a Second Language Teacher
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Sara Bertholf
Sara Bertholf
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Sydney Bertman
Katie Bertrand
Special Education Associate
Associates, Preschool, Special Education Associate
Anthony Beyer
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Russ Bickett
Russ Bickett
Day Custodian
Photo of Paul Bird
Paul Bird
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Dia Bird
Dia Bird
Math Teacher
9th Grade Blue, Mathematics, Teacher Leadership
James Biscoglia
Head Girls Wrestling Coach
Activities Office, Wrestling
Casey Bisher
Mathematics, Science
Photo of Skylar Bjork
Skylar Bjork
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Beth Bjustrom
Beth Bjustrom
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Lisa Black
Lisa Black
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Patricia Blaess
Associates, Preschool
Photo of Ryan Blankenship
Ryan Blankenship
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Marilyn Blankenship
Marilyn Blankenship
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Dr. Katy Blatnick-Gagne
Career and Technical Education Curriculum Facilitator
School Improvement Department
Steven Blaylock
Operations Department
Photo of Hope Bleckwehl
Hope Bleckwehl
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Kyle Block
Kyle Block
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Elizabeth Bloomburg
Photo of Matthew Blumberg
Matthew Blumberg
English Teacher
Photo of Crystal Bobier
Crystal Bobier
Technology Education - Smart Skills/Technology Teacher
Business/Computers, Technology Education
Adam Bockenstedt
Photo of Deborah Boeck
Deborah Boeck
Nutrition Satellite Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Kristin Boese
Kristin Boese
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Anne Boesen
Anne Boesen
APEX Human Services
Jennifer Boess
Photo of Nicole Bogaard
Nicole Bogaard
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Mallory Bogenreif
Mallory Bogenreif
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Emily Bogh
Music Teacher
Photo of Tammy Boldt
Tammy Boldt
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Shelly Boley
Shelly Boley
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Photo of Stephanie Bolten
Stephanie Bolten
Extended Learning Program (ELP)
Extended Learning Program (ELP), Student Services
Jessica Bolterstein
Madelyn Bonus
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kara Boothroyd
Kara Boothroyd
Piano Accompanist
Jose Borgos
Campus Monitor/Study Hall
Amy Borkowski
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Carl Borne
Photo of Steven Bossenberger
Steven Bossenberger
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Photo of Brandy Boulting
Brandy Boulting
Full-Time Substitute Teacher
Office Team
Kolton Boyer
Photo of Molly Boyle
Molly Boyle
Student Services
Photo of Eric Boyle
Eric Boyle
Activities Director
Activities Office, Administration, Directors
Collin Boyle
Full-Time Substitute
Photo of Kaylee Braafhart
Kaylee Braafhart
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Kendall Bradford
Kendall Bradford
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Michele Brandenburg
Michele Brandenburg
World Languages and German Exploration
World Language
Photo of Denise Brekke
Denise Brekke
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Madison Brenner
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Hilary Breon
Hilary Breon
Kindergarten Teacher
Asia Brewer
Human Resources Admin Assistant
Human Resources Department
Photo of Andrew Briggs
Andrew Briggs
APEX Human Services
APEX, Northwest Softball
Photo of Daniel Briggs
Daniel Briggs
Science Teacher
Northwest Boys Swimming, Northwest Girls Swimming, Science, Swimming, Waukee Boys Swimming, Waukee Girls Swimming
Tiffany Briggs
Special Education Associate
Photo of Jamie Bringle
Jamie Bringle
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Teresa Broderick
Teresa Broderick
Office Team
Photo of Karen Broderick
Karen Broderick
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Anne Brodersen
Anne Brodersen
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Tara Broich
Tara Broich
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of James Brook
James Brook
Health Teacher
Basketball, Physical Education/Health, Soccer, Waukee Girls Basketball, Waukee Girls Soccer
Photo of Christine Brown
Christine Brown
Kindergarten Teacher
Sally Brown
Student Services Counselor
Student Services
Coen Brown
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Chelsea Brown
At-Risk Associate
Sandra Brown
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Jessica Bruening
Jessica Bruening
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Nicole Bruhn
4th Grade
Photo of Anne Brummel
Anne Brummel
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Sarah Brundrett
Sarah Brundrett
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Lisa Brunner
Lisa Brunner
Kindergarten Teacher
Isaac Bruns
Assistant Soccer Coach
Photo of Traci Bryant
Traci Bryant
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Kinzee Bryte
Photo of Olivia Buchanan
Olivia Buchanan
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Dr. Brad Buck
Dr. Brad Buck
Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Christine Buckley
Christine Buckley
Nurse, Office Team
Grace Buckley
Social Studies Teacher
Photo of Elizabeth Bulthuis
Elizabeth Bulthuis
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Photo of Christie Burch
Christie Burch
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Joseph Burch
Joseph Burch
Teacher/Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach
Physical Education/Health, Wrestling
Photo of Kelley Burke
Kelley Burke
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Amanda Burkley
Amanda Burkley
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Bailey Burnes
2nd Grade
Photo of Margaret Burns-Fess
Margaret Burns-Fess
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Gold
Photo of Brea Burrack
Brea Burrack
Extended Learning Program Teacher
Extended Learning Program (ELP), Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Travis Busby
Travis Busby
Assistant Principal at Waukee Middle School
Administration, Office Team, Principals
Talia Buss
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Laura Butcher
Laura Butcher
2nd Grade Teacher
2nd Grade