Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter E
Photo of Melissa Eadon
Melissa Eadon
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Jaycie Eaton
Jaycie Eaton
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Matthew Eaton
Special Education Associate
Photo of Rose Eaves
Rose Eaves
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Chrystal Eblen
Facility Supervisor
Community Education Department
Photo of Carrie Eby
Carrie Eby
Physical Education Teacher
Northwest Softball, Physical Education/Health, Softball
Photo of Stephanie Economos
Stephanie Economos
Technology Teacher
Photo of Jennifer Eddy
Jennifer Eddy
Math Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Sara Eddy
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jordan Edgerly
Jordan Edgerly
Math Teacher
Football, Mathematics
Samantha Edster-Mitchell
Photo of Rebecca Edwards
Rebecca Edwards
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Denise Effrein
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Sarah Ehlers
Sarah Ehlers
English Teacher
Emily Ehlers
Nutrition Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Kelly Ehlinger
Kelly Ehlinger
Lunch/Recess Associate
Photo of William Ehrlichman
William Ehrlichman
Math Teacher
Mathematics, Northwest Football
Photo of Rebecca Eighmy
Rebecca Eighmy
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Tandem Eischeid
Tandem Eischeid
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Dena Eischen
Dena Eischen
Health Teacher
Physical Education/Health, Waukee Girls Tennis
Photo of Lisa Eischen
Lisa Eischen
Student Services Secretary
Office Team
Madelyn Ekdom
Mathematics, Science
Michael Ekiss
Elaheh Elahi
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kizzie Elbert
Kizzie Elbert
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Jessica Elliott
Jessica Elliott
Photo of Joshua Ellis
Joshua Ellis
IT Field Technician
Technology Department
Photo of Cynthia Ellis
Cynthia Ellis
Preschool Teacher
Preschool, Special Education Teacher
Photo of Kelsey Elmer
Kelsey Elmer
Reading Lab Teacher
Student Services
Photo of Sandy Elson
Sandy Elson
Childcare Instructor
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Photo of Jennifer Elston
Jennifer Elston
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Sara Emerick
Sara Emerick
Librarian, Teacher Leadership
Julia Emley
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Photo of Angela Emrich
Angela Emrich
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Nathan Endres
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Sarah Enfield
Sarah Enfield
Chief Financial Officer
Administration, Business Services Department, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Karlee England
Karlee England
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Anna Engler
Administrative Assistant, Student Services
Student Services
Photo of Sushma Eppili
Sushma Eppili
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Hannah Erpelding
Hannah Erpelding
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Nicholaus Eshelman
Food Service
Nutrition Services Department
Luis Esparza Martinez
Night Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Jolene Essy
Special Education Associate
Melissa Estaver
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Amy Etienne
Amy Etienne
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Casey Evans
Casey Evans
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Janell Even
Janell Even
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Randall Everding
Randall Everding
Music Teacher