Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter F
Photo of Hillary Faber
Hillary Faber
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Michael Falkiewicz
Night Custodian
Photo of Jacob Farrell
Jacob Farrell
Field Technician Supervisor
Technology Department
Clare Farrell
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Natalie Felt
Natalie Felt
Math Teacher
Photo of Emily Fenske
Emily Fenske
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Megan Ferchen
Megan Ferchen
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Purple
Photo of Alissa Ferezy
Alissa Ferezy
Math Interventionist
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Katie Ferguson
Katie Ferguson
Assistant Principal at Waukee Elementary
Administration, Principals
Photo of Macy Ferguson
Macy Ferguson
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Debra Ferguson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Lezlee Ferrel
Lezlee Ferrel
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Codie Fetters
Codie Fetters
Science Teacher
6th Grade Purple, Football, Waukee Football
Photo of Jennifer Fetters
Jennifer Fetters
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Kennedy Feuerhelm
Special Education Associate
Photo of Dr. Joel Fey
Dr. Joel Fey
Principal at Shuler Elementary
Administration, Principals
Photo of Jaclyn Ficek
Jaclyn Ficek
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Brian Fick
Brian Fick
Day Custodian
Maryhain Fikry
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Ryan Fincel
Ryan Fincel
Math/Science Teacher
6th Grade Purple
Caleb Findlay
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Cindy Fisher
Cindy Fisher
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Christina Fitch
Christina Fitch
Kindergarten Teacher
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Allison Flack
Allison Flack
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Lauren Flahive
Lauren Flahive
Photo of Shannon Flanegan
Shannon Flanegan
Special Education Associate
Tricia Fleagle
Photo of Shannon Fleming
Shannon Fleming
Technology & Innovation Leader
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Dr. Brady Fleming
Dr. Brady Fleming
Associate Superintendent
Administration, School Improvement Department, Senior Leadership Team
Shaun Flood
Safety and Security Coordinator
Operations Department
Photo of Carrie Foell
Carrie Foell
Photo of Marlys Fogt
Marlys Fogt
Office Team
Photo of Kari Fokken Nattress
Kari Fokken Nattress
English Teacher
Photo of Rebecca Foland
Rebecca Foland
Language Arts Teacher
9th Grade Blue, English
Photo of Jill Folsom
Jill Folsom
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Charles Folsom
Charles Folsom
Director of Secondary Teaching & Learning
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Jesse Foltz
Jesse Foltz
Night Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Cara Ford
Cara Ford
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Theresa Forret
Theresa Forret
Kelly Forret
Special Education Assoicate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Joseph Fortune
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Courtney Foster
Courtney Foster
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Rachael Foutch
Rachael Foutch
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Rebecca Fox
Rebecca Fox
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Carrie Fox
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Kayla Fraaken
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Rebecca Frahm
Rebecca Frahm
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Abigail Frakes
Abigail Frakes
Student Services Secretary
Office Team
Photo of Lindsey Frandsen
Lindsey Frandsen
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Purple, English
Cameron Frank
Photo of Natalie Franke
Natalie Franke
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Danille Franklin-Printy
Danille Franklin-Printy
Math Teacher
6th Grade Gold, Basketball, Mathematics
Photo of Jessica Fraser
Jessica Fraser
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Travis French
Travis French
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Josephine Frentress
Josephine Frentress
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kellee Frey
Kellee Frey
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Abby Friedrichsen
Abby Friedrichsen
Chad Friesleben
Instrumental Music Teacher
Band, Music, Northwest Band
Photo of Kathleen Fuller
Kathleen Fuller
7th Grade Purple