Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter G
Photo of Allie Gaal
Allie Gaal
Math Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Tony Gabriel
Head Girls Soccer Coach
Northwest Girls Soccer, Soccer
Stacey Gainor
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jonathan Galli
Jonathan Galli
Girls Assistant Soccer Coach
Northwest Girls Soccer, Soccer
Photo of Jennifer Galligos
Jennifer Galligos
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Alex Ganske
Alex Ganske
Business and Financial Literacy Teacher
Business/Computers, Northwest Football
Photo of Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia
Spanish Teacher
World Language
Photo of Connie Gardalen
Connie Gardalen
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Patrick Garland
Patrick Garland
Math Teacher
6th Grade Purple
Photo of Lori Garlock
Lori Garlock
At-Risk Associate
Photo of Lindsay Garvin
Lindsay Garvin
ESOL Instructional Coach
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Amanda Gaul
Amanda Gaul
English Teacher
English, Teacher Leadership
Elizabeth Gaul
Photo of Pamela Gehrls
Pamela Gehrls
Business Services Department, Office Team
Photo of Abigail Geis
Abigail Geis
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Elizabeth Geistkemper
Elizabeth Geistkemper
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Tara Gentile
Tara Gentile
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Linda George
Linda George
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Samantha George
Samantha George
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Kayla George
ESOL Teacher
Student Services
Katherine George
3rd Grade
Mackenzie Gersdorf
Counselor (A-B)
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Jennifer Ghelf
Jennifer Ghelf
Vocal Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Show Choir
Bailey Gilbert
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Joni Gilchrist
Joni Gilchrist
English as a Second Language Teacher
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Nellie Glenn-Allen
Nellie Glenn-Allen
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Stephane Glick
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jill Godfredsen
Jill Godfredsen
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Kathryn Godfredsen
Photo of Abby Goeller
Abby Goeller
Technology Teacher
Technology Education
Photo of Russ Goerend
Russ Goerend
APEX Business, Technology & Communications
Photo of Becky Goerend
Becky Goerend
Technology & Communications Teacher, Gateway to Engineering Teacher
Photo of Shawnda Goerish
Shawnda Goerish
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Alissa Goetzinger
Alissa Goetzinger
Eric Gold
Night Custodian
Photo of Maria Gonzalez de Orellana
Maria Gonzalez de Orellana
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Alejandra Gonzalez Pavon
Alejandra Gonzalez Pavon
Night Custodian
Photo of Abigail Gould
Abigail Gould
Language Arts Teacher
7th Grade Purple, English
Nikki Graber
Health Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Katrina Graen
Katrina Graen
Instructional Mentor
Extended Learning Program (ELP), School Improvement Department, Student Services
James Graff
Photo of Maggie Graham
Maggie Graham
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Shari Graham
Child Care Assistant Supervisor
Beyond the Bell Childcare
Photo of Christian Grandgenett
Christian Grandgenett
Counselor (A-G)
Counselors, Cross Country, Student Services
Katherine Gravert
PE Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Rob Graziano
Rob Graziano
Instrumental Music Teacher
Photo of Nate Grebner
Nate Grebner
Nutrition Satellite Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Lori Green
Lori Green
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Cameron Green
Cameron Green
5th Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Dianna Green
Special Ed Associate
Brittani Gregorich
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Photo of Brett Gregory
Brett Gregory
Vocal Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Jazz Choir
Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Griesel
Dr. Elizabeth Griesel
Principal at Sugar Creek Elementary
Administration, Principals
Photo of Faith Griffin
Faith Griffin
Preschool Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Sara Grigsby
Sara Grigsby
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Melissa Grimm
Melissa Grimm
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Gold
Photo of Stephanie Groathouse
Stephanie Groathouse
Math Teacher
Whitney Gronvold
Social Studies
Photo of Kristin Grotewold
Kristin Grotewold
Math Coach
School Improvement Department
Photo of Sheena Grove
Sheena Grove
Instructional Mentor
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Kristen Guarino
Preschool Teacher
Preschool, Special Education Teacher
Gilmar Guerra
Day Custodian
Photo of Sheri Guess
Sheri Guess
Social Studies Teacher
Basketball, Social Studies
Photo of Amanda Guile
Amanda Guile
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Christin Gulick
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Taylor Gutierrez
Photo of Michaela Gyure
Michaela Gyure
Music Teacher