Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter H
Michelle Ha
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Chelsea Haaland
Chelsea Haaland
Related Arts Curriculum Facilitator
School Improvement Department
Photo of Megan Hafer
Megan Hafer
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Barry Hagelberg
Barry Hagelberg
Operations Department
April Haggerty
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Nicole Haines
Photo of Nicole Hakes
Nicole Hakes
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Kelli Hales
Kelli Hales
Health Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Caleb Hales
Assistant Principal at Trailridge School
Photo of Molly Halferty
Molly Halferty
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Angelia Halifax
Lunch/Recess Associate
Elyse Hall
Language Arts Teacher
Toni Hall
Office Team
Daniel Hall
Systems Administrator
Hailey Haller
Cheerleading Assistant Coach
Photo of Emily Halverson
Emily Halverson
Science Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Emma Hamilton
World Language
Photo of Lukas Hampton
Lukas Hampton
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Matthew Handel
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Ann Hanigan-Kotz
Photo of Stacy Hansen
Stacy Hansen
Technology & Innovation Leader
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Madison Hansen
Madison Hansen
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Cameron Hansen
Campus Monitor
Office Team
Jessica Hansen
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Kiara Hansen
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Andrea Harbaugh
Andrea Harbaugh
Photo of Jacob Harder
Jacob Harder
Child Care Supervisor
Beyond the Bell Childcare
Photo of Kimberly Harkness
Kimberly Harkness
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Sara Harlan
Sara Harlan
Nurse, Office Team
Anna Harper
Instrumental Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Band
Jackson Harper-Griffith
Kayla Harriman
Special Ed Associate
Photo of Erin Harris
Erin Harris
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Terri Harris
Terri Harris
Preschool Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Kathryn Hart
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Wanda Harter
Wanda Harter
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Herbert Hartman
Herbert Hartman
Math Teacher
Photo of Jodi Hartman
Jodi Hartman
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Sara Hartsell
Sara Hartsell
Nutrition General Worker
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Sara Harvey
Sara Harvey
Social Studies Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Photo of Nahel Hasan
Nahel Hasan
Family Support Specialist
Enrollment Department
Selma Hasan
Nazif Hasimovic
Noor Hassan
Photo of Alyssa Hatten
Alyssa Hatten
Instructional Coach
2nd Grade, Office Team
Photo of Andrew Hauptmann
Andrew Hauptmann
Industrial Technology Teacher
Technology Education
Photo of Traci Havlik
Traci Havlik
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Amy Hayes
Amy Hayes
Behavior Coach
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Douglas Head
Operations Department
Photo of Erik Heard
Erik Heard
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Photo of Joseph Heasley
Joseph Heasley
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Musema Heco
Special Education Associate
Photo of Jennifer Heffernen
Jennifer Heffernen
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Kinsey Heinemann
Kinsey Heinemann
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Jeremy Heinen
Head Baseball Coach
Northwest Baseball
Olivia Heinen
Photo of Chasity Heins
Chasity Heins
Nutrition Satellite Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Julie Heintz
Julie Heintz
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Brent Heitland
Brent Heitland
Physical Education Teacher
Northwest Boys Track and Field, Northwest Football, Physical Education/Health, Track
Photo of Mindi Heitland
Mindi Heitland
Career Services Coordinator
Career Education
Charles Hejde
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Susan Helling
Susan Helling
Music Teacher
Photo of Ross Hellman
Ross Hellman
Photo of Kent Henderson
Kent Henderson
Health Teacher
Northwest Boys Basketball, Physical Education/Health
Photo of Patrick Henkenius
Patrick Henkenius
Business/Computers Teacher
Business/Computers, Northwest Boys Golf, Waukee Boys Basketball
Photo of Casey Henning
Casey Henning
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Cathleen Henrich
Cathleen Henrich
Preschool Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Laura Henriksen
Laura Henriksen
German Teacher
World Language
Colleen Henryson
Special Education Associate
Photo of Kandi Hensel
Kandi Hensel
Director of Student Services
Administration, Directors, Student Services
Photo of Brittney Henson
Brittney Henson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Manuel Chacon Hernandez
Rebecca Herrick
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Brenee Herrick
Child Care Site Supervisor
Photo of Allyssa Herrin
Allyssa Herrin
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Mychele Herring
Mychele Herring
Reading Lab
Student Services
Christine Hickey
Nutrition Satellite Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Benjamin Hicks
Benjamin Hicks
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Gerald Hiesterman
Gerald Hiesterman
Associate Principal at Northwest High School
Administration, Principals
Kathleen Higgins
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Nicole Hildebrand
Nicole Hildebrand
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Malia Hildreth
Special Ed Associate
Photo of Michelle Hill
Michelle Hill
Director of Work-Based Learning
Administration, APEX, Directors
Cheyanne Hill
Special Education Associate
Breanna Hill
Special Education Associate
Cheyenne Hines
Special Ed Associate
Laney Hoag
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Kristopher Hoeppner
Kristopher Hoeppner
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Johanna Hoffman
Custodial, Operations Department
Jenny Hoffman
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Angela Hogan
Angela Hogan
English Teacher
Photo of Sarah Hohenadel
Sarah Hohenadel
Math Teacher
7th Grade Blue
Photo of Jennifer Holeman
Jennifer Holeman
World Languages and Spanish Exploration
World Language
Photo of Christine Holland
Christine Holland
Lunch/Recess Associate
Christine Holland
Childcare Instructor
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Photo of Allison Hollingsworth
Allison Hollingsworth
Emily Holmertz
Special Education Associate
Photo of Joanna Holmes
Joanna Holmes
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Alexandra Holtan
Second Grade Teacher & Fall Cheer Coach
2nd Grade, Northwest Cheerleading
Miranda Holtmeier
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Maggie Holton
Maggie Holton
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Department
Photo of Jennifer Holvey
Jennifer Holvey
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Daniel Honeycutt
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Janet Hook
Janet Hook
Nutrition General Worker
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Susan Hope
Susan Hope
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Mark Howsare
Mark Howsare
Industrial Technology Teacher
Technology Education
Photo of Julie Hubbard
Julie Hubbard
Office Team
Photo of Michelle Huber
Michelle Huber
ESL Teacher
Student Services
Kasandra Hufford
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Donald Hughes III
Donald Hughes III
Language Arts & Journalism Teacher
Photo of JoAnna Huisman
JoAnna Huisman
English as a Second Language Teacher
Student Services
Madison Huizer
Benefits Analyst
Business Services Department
Photo of Kris Hulsing
Kris Hulsing
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Angela Hunt
Angela Hunt
Student Services Advisor
Student Services
Photo of Kimberly Hunt
Kimberly Hunt
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Jesse Hunt
Jesse Hunt
APEX Financial & Insurance
Savannah Hunt
5th Grade
Photo of Ruth Ann Hurd
Ruth Ann Hurd
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Terry Hurlburt
Terry Hurlburt
Associate Superintendent
Administration, School Improvement Department, Senior Leadership Team
Madeline Hurley
1st Grade
Erin Hurst
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Zejna Husejnovic
Zejna Husejnovic
Day Custodian
Photo of Jane Huss
Jane Huss
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Jenna Huston Forbes
Jenna Huston Forbes
German Teacher
World Language
Photo of Matt Huth
Matt Huth
Vocal Music Teacher
Photo of Alli Hytone
Alli Hytone
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher