Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter L
Photo of Marcel Lacey
Marcel Lacey
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Mark Lachacz
Mark Lachacz
Math Teacher
9th Grade Green, Football, Mathematics
Neeta Lad
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Maria Ladwig
Maria Ladwig
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Emily Lagomarcino
2nd Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Joscelyn Lamalie
Joscelyn Lamalie
Kindergarten Teacher
Carla Lane
Office Team
Hailey Lane
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Ryan Langel
Ryan Langel
Science Teacher
7th Grade Gold
Photo of Melanie Lansink
Melanie Lansink
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Christopher Lansink
Christopher Lansink
Math Teacher
8th Grade Blue, Teacher Leadership
Theresa Lara
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kristin Larsen
Kristin Larsen
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Carley Larsen
Classroom Teacher
Photo of Janelle Larson
Janelle Larson
Business/Computers Teacher
Kyle Larson
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Northwest Wrestling
Photo of Charmaine Larwick
Charmaine Larwick
Reading Teacher
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Jennifer Latcham
Jennifer Latcham
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Brittney Latcham
Brittney Latcham
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Dave Lathrop
Assistant Boys Track and Field Coach
Waukee Boys Track and Field
Photo of Alyssa Latta
Alyssa Latta
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Melissa Laughery
Melissa Laughery
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Theresa Lauritsen
FCS Teacher
Family & Consumer Science
Photo of Dr. Lindsay Law
Dr. Lindsay Law
Director of Student Equity
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department
Photo of John Jason Lawry
John Jason Lawry
Photo of Cherie Lawson
Cherie Lawson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Rebecca Leanhart
Rebecca Leanhart
Day Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Krissa LeBlanc
Krissa LeBlanc
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Jennifer Ledbury
Child Care Supervisor - Wee Care
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Frank Lee
Principal at Timberline School
Shawn Lehan
Photo of Sallie Leibhart
Sallie Leibhart
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Jennifer Leidal
Jennifer Leidal
Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Family & Consumer Science
Kelly Lemos
Student Services Advisor
Student Services
Photo of Megan Lenstra
Megan Lenstra
English & Speech Teacher
Photo of Lisa Lentell
Lisa Lentell
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Jami Lenz
Jami Lenz
Science Teacher
6th Grade Blue
Photo of Katie Leopard
Katie Leopard
Nutrition General Worker
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Ashley LePera
Ashley LePera
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Luke LeValley
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Mallary Levsen
1st Grade
Photo of Marife Lewis
Marife Lewis
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Casey Lewsader
Casey Lewsader
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Caixia Li
Lunch/Recess Associate
Photo of Luke Lichty
Luke Lichty
Math Teacher
Photo of Haley Lieber
Haley Lieber
Science Teacher
Photo of Christina Lienemann
Christina Lienemann
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Michaela Lightfoot
Michaela Lightfoot
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Hope Lindquist
Hope Lindquist
Lunch/Recess Associate
Photo of Keri Lindstrom
Keri Lindstrom
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Tyler Linge
Tyler Linge
Art & Speech/Drama Teacher
Art, Theatre
Lauren Linge
Photo of Skylar Linnett
Skylar Linnett
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Katrina Lint
Katrina Lint
English as a Second Language Teacher
Student Services
Photo of Cherie Lisle
Cherie Lisle
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Katherine Liston
Katherine Liston
Instructional Coach
Office Team, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Nicole Littlebrant
Nicole Littlebrant
Flex Custodian
Nicole Littlebrant
Special Ed Assoicate
Krisa Litvin
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Roxy Livermore
Roxy Livermore
Executive Director of Human Resources
Administration, Human Resources Department, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Amy Llewellyn
Amy Llewellyn
Special Education Teacher
Associates, Special Education Teacher
Michael Lochmoeller
Special Education Associate
Photo of Allyn Locker
Allyn Locker
Director of Elementary Teaching & Learning
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department
Photo of Melanie Loecke
Melanie Loecke
Special Ed Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Emily Loeffelholz
Emily Loeffelholz
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Matthew Loeffelholz
Matthew Loeffelholz
Science Teacher
9th Grade Blue, Football, Waukee Football
Amy Lofthouse
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Shelby Logan
Shelby Logan
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Andria Loll
Andria Loll
Cindy Long
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Abigail Long
5th Grade
Toni Lorber
Childcare Instructor
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Ryan Loucks
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Alamaya Lovan
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Ellen Loyd
Science Teacher
Suzanne Lubbers
Photo of Hannah Ludwig
Hannah Ludwig
Art Teacher
Photo of Abigail Lukins
Abigail Lukins
Preschool Teacher
Photo of Taylor Luther
Taylor Luther
Special Education Teacher
Softball, Special Education Teacher, Waukee Softball
Photo of Emily Luymes
Emily Luymes
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Joseph Lynch
Joseph Lynch
IT Field Technician
Technology Department
April Lyon
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate