Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter P
Beatriz Padilla
World Language
Photo of Wayne Page
Wayne Page
Instrumental Music Teacher
Esther Paine
Instructional Mentor
Photo of Sladjana Pajic
Sladjana Pajic
Special Ed Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Elvisa Pajic
Elvisa Pajic
Nutrition General Worker
Nutrition Services Department
Elvisa Pajic
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Kelli Palcic
Kelli Palcic
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Candice Palea
Head Volleyball Coach
Volleyball, Waukee Volleyball
Aziz Palic
Night Custodian
Kamari Palimore
Child Care Assistant Site Supervisor
Photo of Scott Palmer
Scott Palmer
Technology & Innovation Leader
Northwest Girls Tennis, School Improvement Department
Photo of Amanda Pals
Amanda Pals
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Andrew Pals
Andrew Pals
Math Teacher
Mathematics, Waukee Softball
Photo of Julie Pals
Julie Pals
Reading Lab Teacher
Student Services
Pranati Panda
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Lin Pang
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Keli Papich
Keli Papich
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Rachel Parenza
Rachel Parenza
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Susan Parker
Susan Parker
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Ryan Parker
Ryan Parker
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kerri Parkhill
Kerri Parkhill
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Lavanya Parre
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Andrea Patterson
Andrea Patterson
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Jeff Patterson
Jeff Patterson
Instrumental Music Teacher
Band, Music
Photo of Kevin Patterson
Kevin Patterson
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education/Health
Lopamudra Pattnaik
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of William Patton
William Patton
Art Teacher
Adam Paulson
Photo of Katie Payton
Katie Payton
English Teacher
English, Theatre
Photo of Candace Pearson
Candace Pearson
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Christa Pearson
Christa Pearson
Piano Accompanist
Michael Pecina
Averi Peck
Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher
6th Grade Purple, English, Social Studies
Ashlyn Peck
Photo of Erin Peek
Erin Peek
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Marie Perdriau
Marie Perdriau
Office Team
Photo of Christine Perez
Christine Perez
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Paul Perkins
Paul Perkins
Math Teacher
Madeline Perlini
Photo of Rebecca Perryman
Rebecca Perryman
Speech/Drama Teacher
Photo of Kimberly Peters
Kimberly Peters
Nutrition General Worker
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Dianne Petersen
Dianne Petersen
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Lori Petersen
Lori Petersen
Preschool Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of G. Brent Peterson
G. Brent Peterson
Vocal Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Show Choir, Waukee Vocal Music
Photo of Luke Peterson
Luke Peterson
Industrial Technology Teacher
Technology Education
Photo of Allison Peterson
Allison Peterson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Danette Peterson
Danette Peterson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Anne Peterson
Anne Peterson
Music Teacher
Photo of Carrie Peterson
Carrie Peterson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Emma Peterson
4th Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Shawn Peterson
Family & Consumer Science
Photo of Julie Petsche
Julie Petsche
Office Team
Photo of Eric Petterson
Eric Petterson
Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Baseball Coach
Baseball, Physical Education/Health
Tyler Pfannebecker
Brady Pfeiff
Industrial Tech & PLTW Teacher
Technology Education
Photo of Nicki Pfitzenmaier
Nicki Pfitzenmaier
Instructional Mentor
Student Services
Scott Phaydavong
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Northwest Boys Track and Field, Northwest Strength and Conditioning
Photo of Laura Phillips
Laura Phillips
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Cheryl Phillips
Cheryl Phillips
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Mara Phillips
Mara Phillips
Math Interventionist
Student Services
Reagan Phillips
Special Education Associate
Photo of Garry Pickard
Garry Pickard
Director of Operations
Administration, Directors, Operations Department
William Pinegar
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Photo of Cynthia Pion
Cynthia Pion
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Molly Piper
Molly Piper
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Sara Pirtle
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Sarah Pirtle
Special Education Assoicate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Naomi Pitkin
Naomi Pitkin
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Christie Pitts
Christie Pitts
Assistant Principal at Northwest High School
Administration, Principals
Photo of Hannah Platts
Hannah Platts
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Jacqueline Pleggenkuhle
Jacqueline Pleggenkuhle
English & Speech Teacher
English, Speech
Photo of Kristen Poland
Kristen Poland
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Julie Pollard
Julie Pollard
Office Team
Photo of Kate Pollock
Kate Pollock
Preschool Teacher
Kent Pollpeter
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Haydeth Ponce
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Belma Ponjevic
Belma Ponjevic
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Sarah Ponxs
Sarah Ponxs
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Wendy Poore
Child Care Assistant Site Supervisor
Beyond the Bell Childcare
Photo of Carol Poppens
Carol Poppens
Photo of Kris Powell
Kris Powell
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Alexandria Powell
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Meghan Price
Meghan Price
Assistant Principal at Sugar Creek/Waterford
Bailey Price
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Ashley Prieksat
APEX Business, Technology & Communications
Photo of Matthew Pries
Matthew Pries
Literacy Interventionist
Northwest Girls Track and Field, Student Services, Track
Jared Printy
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Pamela Pritchett
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Clint Prohaska
Clint Prohaska
Principal at Eason Elementary
Administration, Principals
Photo of Allison Prohaska
Allison Prohaska
Reading Teacher
Student Services
Benjamin Prohl
Social Studies Teacher
9th Grade Green, Social Studies
Emily Provenzale
Todd Prunty
Operations Department
Brandon Puerta
Special Education Associate
Photo of Kaitlin Punelli
Kaitlin Punelli
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade, Teacher Leadership
Abby Purdom