Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter V
Sarah Vaith
Photo of David Van Alstyne
David Van Alstyne
Performing Arts Center Manager
Activities Office, Band, Music, Northwest Band, Northwest Vocal Music, Operations Department, Speech, Theatre, Vocal Music, Waukee Band, Waukee Jazz Choir, Waukee Show Choir, Waukee Vocal Music
Photo of Alexandra Van Der Hooning
Alexandra Van Der Hooning
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Beth Van Devander
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Photo of Leigh Van Dis-Martin
Leigh Van Dis-Martin
Preschool Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Teresa Van Epps
Teresa Van Epps
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade, Northwest Volleyball
Martha Van Leeuwen
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Kelli Van Meter
Kelli Van Meter
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Michael Van Oosbree
US Government Teacher
Social Studies
Photo of Trudy Vande Kamp
Trudy Vande Kamp
Counselors, Student Services
Olivia Vander Ploeg
Special Education Associate
Special Education Associate
Johanna Vander Wilt
Photo of Pamela Vanderbur
Pamela Vanderbur
Night Custodian
Audrey Vandermaten
7th Grade Language Arts Teacher
7th Grade Purple, English
Elena Vanderwerf
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Allison VanLier-Johnson
Allison VanLier-Johnson
Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher
7th Grade Silver
Photo of Madison Vansickel
Madison Vansickel
Science Teacher
7th Grade Silver, Science
Kennedy Varisco
Classroom Teacher
Photo of Allison Varley
Allison Varley
Office Team
Photo of Andrew Vasquez
Andrew Vasquez
Day Custodian
Photo of Emily Veatch
Emily Veatch
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Megan Vega
Megan Vega
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Halle Velde
Childcare Intructor
Wee Care Childcare Staff
Sherri Vesterby
Business Services Department
Photo of Renae Viers
Renae Viers
2nd Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Jamuna Vijayan
Special Education Associate
Mary Primrose Vincent
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Kathryn Virgil
Kathryn Virgil
Kindergarten Teacher
Photo of Jodi Vogt
Jodi Vogt
Counselor (C-I)
Counselors, Northwest Volleyball, Student Services
Photo of Sarah Volkens
Sarah Volkens
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Chad Vollmecke
Chad Vollmecke
English Teacher
English, Football, Northwest Football, Northwest Strength and Conditioning, Northwest Wrestling
Sadie Vorbrich
Special Education Associate
Odessa Vos
Nutrition Supervisor
Photo of Michael Vratsinas
Michael Vratsinas
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate