Showing staff members with last name starting with the letter W
Jennifer Waage
Photo of Leigh Wachter
Leigh Wachter
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Lori Wachter
Lindsay Waechter
Wellness Coordinator
Business Services Department
Photo of Scott Wagaman
Scott Wagaman
Day Custodian
Photo of Shelley Wagaman
Shelley Wagaman
Day Custodian
Norman Wagaman
Facility Supervisor
Community Education Department
Joshua Waggoner
Special Education Associate
Photo of Elizabeth Wagner
Elizabeth Wagner
Social Studies Teacher
9th Grade Green, Social Studies
Lynette Wagner
ESOL Associate
Photo of Maddy Waldron
Maddy Waldron
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Photo of Kristen Walker
Kristen Walker
Counselors, Student Services
Kara Wall
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Brittany Wallace
Brittany Wallace
Nutrition Satellite Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Katie Walsh
Katie Walsh
Photo of Lizzie Walsh
Lizzie Walsh
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Photo of Kelly Walton
Kelly Walton
Preschool Teacher
Preschool, Special Education Teacher
Photo of Bart Ward
Bart Ward
Lunch/Recess Associate
Photo of Linda Warman
Linda Warman
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kathleen Waters
Kathleen Waters
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Molly Watkins
Molly Watkins
Counselor (O-Z)
Counselors, Student Services
Photo of Brett Watson
Brett Watson
Northwest Boys Basketball, Technology Education
Morgan Watson
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Jeremy Watson
Night Custodian
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Sara Weatherall
Sara Weatherall
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Cale Weaver
Cale Weaver
Study Hall Associate
Associates, Baseball, Northwest Baseball
Photo of Allison Webb
Allison Webb
Fifth Grade Teacher
5th Grade
Ryan Webb
Assistant Baseball Coach
Waukee Baseball
Photo of Mark Weber
Mark Weber
Math Interventionist
Northwest Wrestling, Student Services
Photo of Rachael Weieneth
Rachael Weieneth
Instructional Mentor
Office Team, School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kayla Weier
Kayla Weier
Extended Learning Program Teacher
Extended Learning Program (ELP), Student Services
Photo of Elizabeth Weil
Elizabeth Weil
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Caroline Weinschenk
Caroline Weinschenk
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Heather Weiss
Heather Weiss
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Rebecca Welch
Rebecca Welch
Technology Teacher
Photo of Tyler Wellendorf
Tyler Wellendorf
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Kimberly Wellet
Full-Time Substitute Teacher
Office Team
Photo of Jessica Wells
Jessica Wells
English Teacher
Cheryl Wells
Art Teacher
Photo of Molly Wempen
Molly Wempen
Language Arts Teacher
7th Grade Gold
Photo of Reuben Wenell
Reuben Wenell
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Erin Wenzel
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Shelly Wenzel
Nutrition Supervisor
Nutrition Services Department
Photo of Adam Werley
Adam Werley
English Teacher
English, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Josh Wesley
Josh Wesley
Director of Technology
Directors, Technology Department
Sierra Wessels
World Language
Photo of Peter Westerkamp
Peter Westerkamp
Physical Education Teacher
Northwest Girls Cross Country, Northwest Girls Track and Field, Physical Education/Health, Track
Photo of Eric Wetzel
Eric Wetzel
Physical Education Teacher
Cross Country, Northwest Boys Tennis, Physical Education/Health, Tennis
Photo of Megan Wetzel
Megan Wetzel
Language Arts Teacher
6th Grade Silver
Jacob Wheeler
Photo of Lisa Whitaker
Lisa Whitaker
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kelly White
Kelly White
Reading Lab Teacher
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Jennifer White
Special Education Associate
Alek White
8/9 Head Drama Director
Lorenzo White
Assistant Football Coach
Waukee Football
Julie Whitehead
Facility Supervisor
Community Education Department
Photo of Jennifer Whitenack
Jennifer Whitenack
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Luke Whitford
IT Field Technician
Technology Department
Dana Whittemore
Photo of Aaron Wies
Aaron Wies
Social Studies Teacher
Football, Northwest Football, Social Studies
Photo of Paige Wies
Paige Wies
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Lyra Wikert Laedtke
Lyra Wikert Laedtke
8th Grade Red, Librarian
Photo of Debbie Wiley
Debbie Wiley
Third Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Photo of Trevor Wiley
Trevor Wiley
Vocal Music Teacher
Photo of Jennifer Wilkerson
Jennifer Wilkerson
Extended Learning Program Teacher
Extended Learning Program (ELP), Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Amanda Williams
Amanda Williams
Nutrition Lunch Clerk
Nutrition Services Department
Justine Williamson
Photo of Timothy Willman
Timothy Willman
Math Teacher
7th Grade Silver
Photo of Andrea Wilmes
Andrea Wilmes
Director of Child Care
Beyond the Bell Childcare, Directors, Wee Care Childcare Staff
Rheba Wilmes
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Ricky Wilson
Ricky Wilson
Night Custodian
Photo of Joshua Wilson
Joshua Wilson
Language Arts Teacher
Mallory Wilson
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade
Bradley Wilson
Vocal Music
Kathryn Wingert
Assistant Dance Coach
Northwest Dance Team
Photo of Sara Winn
Sara Winn
Extended Learning Program Teacher
Extended Learning Program (ELP), Student Services
Photo of Joanna Winston
Joanna Winston
Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Family & Consumer Science
Photo of Amy Winter
Amy Winter
Second Grade Teacher
2nd Grade
Photo of Blair Winter
Blair Winter
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Photo of Jay Winter
Jay Winter
Math Teacher
Tommi Winters
Preschool Associate
Photo of Carlyn Wirth
Carlyn Wirth
Reading Teacher
Student Services
Photo of Andrew Withers
Andrew Withers
Math Teacher
7th Grade Purple
Photo of Kathryn Wittmer
Kathryn Wittmer
Nurse, Office Team
Photo of Jordan Wolf
Jordan Wolf
Kindergarten Teacher
Avery Wolfkill
Project Lead the Way Teacher
Photo of Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Kindergarten Teacher
Kristian Wood
Photo of Todd Woodard
Todd Woodard
Instrumental Music Teacher
Music, Waukee Band
Photo of Adam Woodruff
Adam Woodruff
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade
Peyton Woods
Language Arts Teacher
7th Grade Purple, English
Lawrence Woolard
Jessica Worrall
Special Education Associate
Associates, Special Education Associate
Photo of Claudia Worth
Claudia Worth
9th Grade English Teacher
9th Grade Green, Activities Office, Waukee Dance Team
Mellina Wrage
Special Education Associate
Photo of Jessica Wright
Jessica Wright
School Improvement Department
Photo of Tyler Wright
Tyler Wright
APEX Engineering
Nicole Wulf
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade
Photo of Jessica Wunsch
Jessica Wunsch
Music Teacher
Kathryn Wuollet
Photo of Abbie Wynja
Abbie Wynja
First Grade Teacher
1st Grade, Teacher Leadership