Showing staff members at District Office
Amy A'Hearn
Director of Nutrition
Photo of Barbara Bartemes
Barbara Bartemes
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Business Services Department
Benjamin Bean
Operations Department
Photo of Andrew Bennett
Andrew Bennett
Instructional Data Analyst
School Improvement Department
Dr. Katy Blatnick-Gagne
Career and Technical Education Curriculum Facilitator
School Improvement Department
Steven Blaylock
Operations Department
Asia Brewer
Human Resources Admin Assistant
Human Resources Department
Photo of Dr. Brad Buck
Dr. Brad Buck
Senior Leadership Team
Gail Callahan
Student Bullying & Harassment Investigator
Photo of Becky Chicoine
Becky Chicoine
Business Services Department, Office Team
Photo of Kayla Choate
Kayla Choate
Executive Director of Communications
Communications Department, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Lesley Christensen
Lesley Christensen
Mental Health Coordinator
Student Services
Photo of Ranelle Coffey
Ranelle Coffey
Operations Specialist
Operations Department
Christopher Coffey
Director of Business Services
Business Services Department, Directors
Photo of Angela Countryman
Angela Countryman
Executive Assistant & Board Secretary
Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Talent Acquisition Coordinator
Golf, Human Resources Department, Waukee Boys Golf
Photo of Stacie De Haan
Stacie De Haan
Director of Instructional Services
Administration, Directors, Extended Learning Program (ELP), School Improvement Department
Photo of Amanda DeGroote
Amanda DeGroote
Technology & Innovation Leader
School Improvement Department
Photo of Sean Devlin
Sean Devlin
Director of Construction Services
Directors, Operations Department
Photo of Darryl Downs
Darryl Downs
Director of Information Systems
Administration, Directors, Enrollment Department
Photo of Zejna Duric
Zejna Duric
Night Custodian
Photo of Sarah Enfield
Sarah Enfield
Chief Financial Officer
Administration, Business Services Department, Senior Leadership Team
Anna Engler
Administrative Assistant, Student Services
Student Services
Luis Esparza Martinez
Night Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Shannon Fleming
Shannon Fleming
Technology & Innovation Leader
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Dr. Brady Fleming
Dr. Brady Fleming
Associate Superintendent
Administration, School Improvement Department, Senior Leadership Team
Shaun Flood
Safety and Security Coordinator
Operations Department
Photo of Charles Folsom
Charles Folsom
Director of Secondary Teaching & Learning
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Jesse Foltz
Jesse Foltz
Night Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Lindsay Garvin
Lindsay Garvin
ESOL Instructional Coach
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Pamela Gehrls
Pamela Gehrls
Business Services Department, Office Team
Brittani Gregorich
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Photo of Kristin Grotewold
Kristin Grotewold
Math Coach
School Improvement Department
Photo of Chelsea Haaland
Chelsea Haaland
Related Arts Curriculum Facilitator
School Improvement Department
Photo of Barry Hagelberg
Barry Hagelberg
Operations Department
Daniel Hall
Systems Administrator
Ann Hanigan-Kotz
Photo of Stacy Hansen
Stacy Hansen
Technology & Innovation Leader
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Nahel Hasan
Nahel Hasan
Family Support Specialist
Enrollment Department
Photo of Amy Hayes
Amy Hayes
Behavior Coach
Student Services, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kandi Hensel
Kandi Hensel
Director of Student Services
Administration, Directors, Student Services
Manuel Chacon Hernandez
Photo of Maggie Holton
Maggie Holton
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Department
Madison Huizer
Benefits Analyst
Business Services Department
Photo of Terry Hurlburt
Terry Hurlburt
Associate Superintendent
Administration, School Improvement Department, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Marsha Jacobson
Marsha Jacobson
Payroll Coordinator
Business Services Department
Photo of Kelly Jellings
Kelly Jellings
Communications Manager
Communications Department
Photo of Alexis Joblinske
Alexis Joblinske
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kirk Johnson
Kirk Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
Administration, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Warehouse Specialist
Operations Department
Shelley Johnson
Enrollment Specialist
Rachael Jorgensen
AP Specialist
Business Services Department
Photo of Amy Kearns
Amy Kearns
Literacy Coach (Elementary)
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Photo of Kassandra Kellis
Kassandra Kellis
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Martha King
Payroll and Benefits Specialist
Business Services Department
Photo of Angela Klein
Angela Klein
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Paige Klinkenborg
Social Worker
Student Services
Renee Kramer
Instructional Services Admin Assistant
Photo of Mark Krukow
Mark Krukow
Network and Security Administrator
Photo of Dr. Lindsay Law
Dr. Lindsay Law
Director of Student Equity
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department
Photo of Rebecca Leanhart
Rebecca Leanhart
Day Custodial Supervisor
Custodial, Operations Department
Photo of Roxy Livermore
Roxy Livermore
Executive Director of Human Resources
Administration, Human Resources Department, Senior Leadership Team
Photo of Allyn Locker
Allyn Locker
Director of Elementary Teaching & Learning
Administration, Directors, School Improvement Department
Photo of Annie Miller
Annie Miller
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Photo of Lyndsay Mount
Lyndsay Mount
Assistant Director of Student Services
Administration, Directors
Photo of Jennifer Newton
Jennifer Newton
Assessment Coordinator
Katherine Nong
Social Worker
Student Services
Photo of Kelli Palcic
Kelli Palcic
Special Education Instructional Strategist
Teacher Leadership
Photo of Scott Palmer
Scott Palmer
Technology & Innovation Leader
Northwest Girls Tennis, School Improvement Department
Photo of Garry Pickard
Garry Pickard
Director of Operations
Administration, Directors, Operations Department
William Pinegar
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Todd Prunty
Operations Department
Cody Rollins
Operations Department
Photo of Reid Schaefer
Reid Schaefer
Literacy Coach (Secondary)
School Improvement Department, Teacher Leadership
Amend Sealine
Operations Department
Photo of Brittany Smith
Brittany Smith
Accounting Specialist
Business Services Department
Photo of Judy Snyder
Judy Snyder
Administrative Assistant, School Improvement
School Improvement Department
Photo of Kaleb Streigle
Kaleb Streigle
Human Resources Generalist
Human Resources Department
Wesley Tipton
Grounds Coordinator
Operations Department
Photo of Haley Turnis
Haley Turnis
Communications Specialist
Communications Department
Sherri Vesterby
Business Services Department
Lindsay Waechter
Wellness Coordinator
Business Services Department
Photo of Jessica Wright
Jessica Wright
School Improvement Department
Photo of Kristine Zylstra
Kristine Zylstra
Central Receiving Specialist
Operations Department