Iowa Junior Thespian Festival 2019
2019 IOWA JUNIOR THESPIAN FESTIVAL – Kids of the Future: An Exploration of Theatre nnMARCH 30th, 2019 at the Prairieview THEATRE ARTS CENTERnnThe 2019 Iowa Junior Thespian Festival is a great chance for middle school students to participate in theatre activities and learn from some outstanding theatre artists. Waukee Middle School students are invited to join us for an exciting day that will be filled with performances, workshops, and time to meet students from across the state of Iowa. The workshop will be held at the Theatre Arts Center and will run from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The fee for the day is $30 and covers the workshops, a Thespian t-shirt and a pizza lunch. Information will be available through Ms. Schaefer at Spots need to be reserved by February 21st.