Waukee Board of Education Discusses Boundary Recommendation

A recommendation for new elementary boundaries was presented to the Waukee Board of Education on November 26. Rob Schwarz and Jay Harris of RSP & Associates along with Boundary Committee representatives shared details about the proposed elementary boundaries and an overview of the committee’s work on secondary attendance center boundaries.

The committee’s final recommendations included moving forward with Elementary Concept 2, Feeder Option 1 and 3 and asking the board to consider a task force to further explore Feeder Options and Secondary Building Alignment.

During the meeting, the board listened to a few comments from the public and discussed the pros and cons of Concept 2 including; the long-term impact of using the Vince Meyer Learning Center as a second campus for Waukee Elementary, instead of a district-wide overflow building when needed. The board decided to add a work session on November 29 to dive deeper into elementary boundaries before the next board meeting.

During the work session, the board discussed the following:

  • Due to limited classroom availability, the building capacity (number of students) for Brookview Elementary School should be lowered.
  • Adjustments to Brookview Elementary School boundaries should be considered to proactively address capacity issues.
  • If possible, the district should avoid having to move families twice, due to elementary #10 opening in 2022.
  • Elementary Boundary Concept 1 and Elementary Boundary Concept 2 should be considered with a few adjustments to address capacity concerns.

No action was taken regarding elementary or secondary attendance center boundaries. The board will be presented with updated boundary maps as a discussion item on December 10. The meeting will start at  7 p.m. at the District Office located at 560 SE University Ave., Waukee.

Updated Boundary Concept 1 and 2 Maps will be available for viewing on our website and at each building on December 11. The board is expected to take action on boundaries at a special board meeting scheduled for December 17. If approved, elementary boundaries would be effective fall of 2019.


Committee Elementary Boundary Concept 2 Map(The map is not printable or viewable on a mobile device due to size. Large maps of Concept 2 are available for viewing at each school building)