Boundary FAQ from Community Feedback

We want to thank you for providing feedback up to this point on the two draft options for the secondary feeder system. We have read ALL the comments and questions and continue to do so.  We want to address common themes and questions through this FAQ.

We made updates to the map by shading Waukee High School and stadium (Centennial Park) to live in the appropriate feeder (purple), moved the words “Maple Grove” into the dotted boundary line, and updated the key with feeder options to reflect which High School, middle and elementary schools align by renaming North Feeder to Northwest HS and South Feeder to Waukee HS. The actual school alignment did not change since the March 6 Board Work Session.

PDF Maps
Due to the size of the files, these will not display on a mobile device, a computer is required

PNG Maps
These maps are a lower resolution to allow viewing on a mobile device

As we get more questions and comments, we will provide updates to the FAQ as questions come in through June 20, 2019. The recommendation will be presented to the Board on June 24 with an anticipated vote on July 22.

We have an exciting opportunity ahead of us to build a positive culture of community for our students, staff and families.