In Support of Our Asian American Pacific Islander Community

As a District, we are proud of our diversity, promote inclusivity, and strive toward racial equity and social justice for our community. Equity and inclusivity are core values of Waukee CSD. As educators, it is important that we create spaces for our students to ask questions and to empower them to action against exclusion, prejudice, and discrimination. In response to the senseless shooting that occurred in Georgia last week, we want to acknowledge and express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all those affected. Hate crimes and actions against the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community (AAPI) have us reflecting on our support for the families and communities in the Waukee Community School District (CSD).  

We proudly stand beside the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, not just because it is our duty as compassionate human beings, but because the Asian-American community is our community.

We believe in this work and we further support it with students, families, and staff through our District Equity Standards. The Waukee Equity Standards are a set of anchor standards and age-appropriate learning outcomes divided into four domains: identity, diversity, justice, and action. The standards provide a common language and organizational structure to reduce prejudice and advocate for collective action. In today’s world, these are essential skills for all people. Teachers have been and will continue to use these standards to guide classroom discussions and learning opportunities making our schools more equitable, inclusive, and safe.

The vision of our district is to inspire learners who feel valued, challenged, and prepared to embrace tomorrow’s opportunities. In delivering on that vision, our students, as well as all of our other learners, should feel and be welcomed, connected, and supported in our schools and community. Your voice matters in our collective movement toward equity, anti-racism, and building inclusive environments.

Events like the one above, and most recently the shooting in Colorado, bring about a multitude of emotions. The counselors in our buildings are always available for students and families to reach out to at any time. Below you will find resources for families related to trauma and violence.

Thank you as always for your support. 

Dr. Brad Buck



The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) provides the following information for parents and educators to talk with children about violence:

Additional reminders from NASP include:

  • Reassure children that they are safe
  • Make time to talk
  • Keep your explanations developmentally appropriate
  • Review safety procedures
  • Observe children’s emotional state
  • Limit television (and social media) viewing of these events
  • Maintain a normal routine