One Becomes Two – Waukee A Cappella Performs their Very Own Song

As usual, the Waukee High School A Cappella group sounds amazing. But the amazing thing about their latest song, it’s their very own.

“When Mr. Knutson mentioned we get to do a commissioned piece, wrote specifically for us, I thought this is going to be my favorite piece. I don’t even know what it’s about yet,” says Senior Anna Roodnitsky.

This song is all about right here and right now.

“The piece begins with this idea of two birds flying off from the nest. They’ve been fostered by this outstanding community, or the protection of the mother bird,” says Choir Director Jeff Knutson. “They are leaving, parting ways and probably not going to be together again.” 

That sure sounds like something the Waukee Community School District is preparing to do. Knutson knew a monumental change, like moving to two high schools, needed a song to remember the process.

“I started this process about three years ago, thinking we should commission a piece for the high school split,” says Knutson.

But this isn’t an ordinary piece. Some of the best musicians in the world are involved. Connor Koppin is the composer. Charles Anthony Silvestri wrote the text. Now their work is in the hands of Waukee A Cappella.

“Especially getting a piece written for us, I don’t think that’s happened since I’ve been in Waukee,” says Senior Dane Hansen. “It’s really cool that they took a piece that symbolized the splitting of the two high schools, but we are still one Waukee.

Knutson has also set up Google Meets with both Koppin and Silvestri, giving singers the chance to chat with some of their idols.

“When I got to walk up to him and tell him I have a quote from one of his songs on my wall I was “nerding” out. He was like thank you, that means a lot, I was fan girling a little bit,” says Roodnitsky.

From meeting the musicians, to recently singing the entire song for the very first time, these are moments that will stick with this group forever. 

“We’ve been working on this piece for a really long time and we started it in sections and to hear them all together was pretty cool,” says Senior Abby Cook.

A song about life.  A song about Waukee. A song about a huge moment in our community, sung by some of our very best. 

“That’s what we are hoping for,” says Knutson. “Not only the community as we prepare for the high school split, but as we are looking at sending these seniors off into the world that they’ve been prepared for life after school.” 

Times will be changing for everyone in a couple of months. But for the 2021 A Cappella singers, this is a moment that will stay with them forever.

“This piece has so much meaning for the split. I’m a senior this year, so I’m going to be going  off to college, its just a really cool opportunity,” says Cook.

“Getting last year taken away from us a little bit, we were excited to just get into it and make this year the best year we possibly could,” adds Hansen.

“Being in A Cappella, I remember watching concerts as a 6th grader, so six years ago and being like they are so cool,” says Roodnitsky. “The things they are doing, the sound they are producing, I want to do that so bad.”