Senior Spotlight: Vincent Hodges

For this week’s senior spotlight, we are highlighting Vincent Hodges!

Vincent Hodges has filled his last four years at Waukee with dedication to many different extracurriculars. Vincent has been a part of Boys Cross Country for four years, Track & Field for four years. He also participated in Marching Band for three years, Jazz Band for four years, and Show Choir Band for two.

Vincent’s dedication and hard work is not cut short when it comes to academics. Vincent scored a perfect score on his ACT after studying in the midst of a pandemic.

“I did a few practice tests and loads of practice problems in order to assess my progress and prepare myself for everything I might see on the actual test,” Vincent said. “I was greatly delighted about receiving a perfect score and proud of myself for the work I had put in during quarantine.”

With all of his commitments and dedications, Vincent continuously had a lot on his plate. He mentioned how he would constantly make a plan for completing his work and used all of his time efficiently throughout the day. He also says that excitement about the work and activities he loves helped him overcome any exhaustion and stress from juggling so many things.

Vincent has had a jam packed year but he says the most memorable part was his unexpected title as homecoming king.

“It was an amazing year, but the surprise of being named homecoming king was arguably the most memorable event. I couldn’t go anywhere without people calling me “king” even bowing down to me, and the cheers I received from the student section at the homecoming game gave me extreme chills.”

Vincent credits the ability to find a balance between school work and finding time for yourself as the reason for his successes. 

“Put your best self forward in all of your classes and activities in order to best prepare yourself for the future,” Vincent said. “Yet, don’t allow the stress of high school to overtake you because in some way, it will all turn out fine. These are supposed to be some of the best years of your life, so find and hold onto the people and the things that make you happy.”

Vincent plans to study chemical engineering or biomedical engineering at the University of Iowa, where he was a part of the Honors Program.