Watch DOGS Roaming the Halls at Radiant

Radiant Elementary is home to hundreds of incredible students. But lately, there have been a few DOGS roaming the hallways. DOGS stands for Dads of Great Students, a volunteer group at the school.

“It doesn’t have to be a dad,” says Watch DOG Adam Christensen. “It can be a grandpa. It can be any fatherly figure.”

Christensen is a veteran member of the Watch DOGS and says he’s developing a powerful connection with the kids.

“Having them come in and give you a high five, it makes them smile, it makes us smile,” he says. 

Going to school with a parent isn’t always the coolest thing, but when the smiles shine at this age level, the DOGS are ready.

“It’s just an extra opportunity for me,” says Watch DOG Bill Warner.

Warner is thankful for the special moments he’s able to share with his kids.

“I’ve got a senior in high school who is going to be graduating in two months,” he says. “Getting to do these little extra things with them is pretty cool.”

Pre-COVID, there were roughly 6,800 schools nationwide participating in the Watch DOGS program, with a full schedule of responsibilities.

“You do flashcards, you do homework, you might play with race cars,” says Christensen. “It just depends on what that individual child or group needs.”

The DOGS are also getting a pretty cool look into the amazing things that happen every single day.

“It’s refreshing to see that they are in a good place with people who care about them,” shares Christensen. “Not only from an education standpoint, but from a comfort standpoint.”

Now that he’s seen the success at Radiant, Christensen has goals for the future of the Watch DOGS, and the future impact they will make on his family.

“We are going to be here for a couple more years,” Christensen says. “Our youngest will be going to another new school. It will be another opportunity to get the Watch DOG program up and running.”