Senior Spotlight: Aishu Sivamurugan

For our second senior spotlight, we are highlighting Waukee High School’s Aishu Sivamurugan!

With a bright future in front of her, Aishu is going to the University of Southern California to major in engineering and minor in political science. There were many factors that played into Aishu’s role in deciding where to attend college. But ultimately, it came down to USC, due to their emphasis on encouraging STEM students to explore the humanities and arts. 

“As important as it is for engineers to be heavily involved in STEM, I also want to be able to explore my other interests like politics and writing,” she says. 

Aishu wasn’t always planning on majoring in engineering, however.

“Engineering wasn’t even on my radar until I took calculus and physics, when I realized that I really loved the problem solving that came with engineering.” 

Political science isn’t off the table for Aishu though. Even though she will primarily be studying engineering, Aishu is pursuing a minor in political science. When asked why, she emphasized how she wanted to make a difference in whatever career path she chooses. Thus, political science seemed to be the best fit. 

“I absolutely love both engineering and politics and the potential they have to improve lives,” she says.  “Which is why I’m majoring in engineering and minoring in political science.”

Although Aishu stayed thoroughly invested in her academics throughout her high school years, she still managed to make time for various extracurricular activities. She has been involved in debate team and tennis during her time at Waukee High School. Outside of school, she works at Starbucks and is in the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) mentor program. She also was a finance intern for the Theresa Greenfield Campaign. 

When reflecting on her time in Waukee, her most memorable experience from high school was the people around her. 

“From the teachers, administrators and peers, I am always supported to challenge myself both academically and personally,” she says. “Even when things get tough, there are always so many people eager to help.”  

Aishu emphasizes the importance of working hard to achieve the things you care about. 

“Find things you are passionate about, work at them to the best of your ability and don’t do things for the sake of a resume.” 

Congratulations Aishu! Good luck at USC!