District to Host Legislative Learning & Advocacy Town Hall
UPDATE: (January 22, 2023)
Please see the attached link to watch our Legislative Advocacy and Learning Town Hall. Included is information about upcoming legislative items impacting our school district, as well as, an overview of our budget from our CFO, Sarah Enfield. Thank you to those of you who attended, including our legislators, community members, and Board members.
Legislative Advocacy and Learning Town Hall YouTube link
Legislative Advocacy Presentation
Waukee Community School District is excited to continue our legislative learning and advocacy conversations and opportunities for our parents and community.
The topics that have been chosen are issues important to the students and families, as well as, priorities identified by the Board of Education. These discussions are intended to broaden conversations on the topics of School Finance, Youth Mental Health, Special Education, and English Learner Funding, and possible avenues for additional funding concepts for educating the increasing numbers of children with diverse needs in our rapidly growing school district.
Next Session: Understanding School Funding and the Impact on Programming for Waukee Students
- Saturday, January 21st from 9:00-11:00 a.m.
- Waukee Innovation and Learning Center (WILC).
This session is open to the public as parents and other members of the community have an opportunity to listen and describe their thoughts. District staff will be available to answer any district-specific questions that may arise.
Please fill out this Google Form if you plan on attending this event.