Walnut Hills Elects Two Students As “Principals for the Day”

Nico Watkins (fourth grade) and Elliott Olsson (second grade) recently got to be “Principals for the Day” at Walnut Hills Elementary. The two students recounted the day, explaining how much they loved the experience.

“I just felt really excited, and glad that I got to do that,” Nico shared.

Elliot said, “It was fun reading to my friends!”

Both students explained that they were extremely excited the morning of, and ready to be principals. Throughout the day, they hosted and engaged in events across the school including a dance party, reading to students, and more. Superintendent Dr. Buck and Associate Superintendent Dr. Fleming also joined them to talk about what it takes to be a principal!

The students presented amazing ideas for school improvement. One of these ideas was more frequent dance parties, with competitions to identify the class with the best moves. They also explained that they would want a glass mural painted by the students to be hung by the rotunda. Nico and Elliott think that the sun shining through the mural would create a beautiful area to study in.

When asked about the toughest part of being a principal, Nico explained that it was how to deal with a request for a raise. She says, “He asked me for a raise of $1,000, and the hardest part was probably bargaining down to a Jolly Rancher.”

Thank you to Nico and Elliott for being amazing “Principals for the Day” for Walnut Hills!