Last-Minute Spots Available for Student Exchange to China

Four spots have opened up for a student exchange trip to Hebei Province, China, through the Cedar Rapids sister city program.

The trip is from July 25 through August 4, 2024. All airfare from Chicago and ground expenses in China are fully covered. Participants are responsible only for transportation to Chicago, a $250 administrative fee, incidental expenses, and possibly one meal a day.

Due to the last-minute openings, the deadline to apply and commit to the trip is Wednesday, July 11. A valid passport, which does not expire before February 1, 2025, is also required.

This is an extraordinary chance for students to immerse themselves in a different culture, build international friendships, and gain valuable experiences that will benefit them both personally and academically.

Students who are interested should contact Alan Koslow at immediately to secure their spot.