Update on Beyond the Bell Summer Registration
On Tuesday, March 4, RevTrak experienced an issue due to the high volume of traffic for Beyond the Bell summer registration. We are continuing to work with RevTrak to identify the issue and ensure the system can manage registration when it opens again. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused families, and we are committed to ensuring RevTrak provides a seamless registration experience in the future.
Registration Updates:
If you registered for BTB and your credit card was charged: Your child is officially registered for BTB for the weeks that payment went through.
If you were added to a waitlist: Due to the high traffic on the site, some students were prematurely placed on waitlists. We will move your child off the waitlist, so they are registered for BTB for the weeks you selected. A $25 deposit (per week) will be charged to the credit card you have on file in RevTrak.
If you were unable to register for some or all of the weeks: If you did not complete registration or get on a waitlist, you will need to register when the portal opens again. We plan to reopen registration next week and will communicate the new registration date.
In the next few days, we will send families a confirmation email for each week that their student is registered. (For example, if you registered for Weeks 1, 2, and 3, you will receive three confirmation emails.) Families can also log in to RevTrak and see their registrations by following these directions.
Additional FAQs:
What caused the issue on Tuesday?
The RevTrak servers were unable to handle the high volume of traffic to the site when registration opened. We shut down registration and set a default date of March 31 (which is the date currently visible in RevTrak) to allow us to identify and resolve the issue. Although RevTrak works with school districts across the country, they have not previously managed the number of visitors we saw on Tuesday. We appreciate the community interest in our program, and we’re working with RevTrak to improve the process for future enrollments.
Did any weeks fill up?
No. There is still space available each week of summer for all seven of our sites.
Will I be able to cancel weeks that I no longer need my child to attend?
You can cancel any week you registered your child by emailing Rich Miller at rmiller@waukeeschools.org and Andrea Wilmes at awilmes@waukeeschools.org. If you make a cancelation on/before March 31, your $25 deposit will be refunded. If you cancel after March 31, your deposit will not be refunded.
Contact Rich Miller at rmiller@waukeeschools.org or Andrea Wilmes at awilmes@waukeeschools.org.