Waukee Community School District is excited to announce its transitional kindergarten (TK) program! Enrollment is now open for the 2025-26 school year. To enroll, visit our transitional kindergarten enrollment page.
Also, mark your calendar to attend one of our information sessions to learn more.
TK Parent Information Night
Jan. 22, 5-6 p.m.
Waukee Innovation & Learning Center
TK Parent Information Night – Virtual
Jan. 28, 5-6 p.m.
Click this link to join
What is transitional kindergarten?
TK is an age-appropriate program for children who are of kindergarten age, but would benefit from an additional year of school to prepare for kindergarten. It gives children additional space and time for students to further develop the necessary social and academic skills.
What is it not?
- TK is not a special education program or behavioral program.
- TK is not a replacement experience for kindergarten. Your child will still attend kindergarten the following school year.
Here is more information:
- Any student who is 5 years of age on Sept. 15 will be eligible.
- Classes will be limited to 20 students.
- TK students will be eligible for before and after school care in their neighborhood school building (if space is available).
- TK students will follow the same district transportation eligibility requirements as all kindergarten students. Distances will be calculated using the neighborhood school building. If a TK classroom is not available in the neighborhood school building, the District will shuttle students to a nearby TK program with available classroom space.
How do I know if TK is a good fit for my child?
There are many reasons you might choose to enroll your child in TK rather than kindergarten. Considering the academic and social-emotional development of your child, alongside their previous preschool learning experiences, can be helpful. This is a parent decision, and you have the choice to enroll your child in TK or kindergarten (based on availability at the time of registration). We will provide further information and support on our website and through informational meetings during the month of January.
How do I sign up?
Registration for TK is now open. We ask that families interested in TK register as soon as possible. The final number of TK classrooms and locations will be communicated to families in May.
After April 15, enrollment will be based on available program space. We strongly encourage families to enroll before then to ensure their child’s spot.
What does TK look like?
TK meets five full days a week like all other elementary grades and follows the same daily hours and school year calendar as our kindergarten students. Students will go to kindergarten the following school year.
The students will be introduced to kindergarten-level math, literacy, and social-emotional standards at a developmentally appropriate pace, giving them opportunities to work on readiness skills. Students will also have “specials” (art, music, library, PE, guidance, and technology) in a six-day cycle like their K-5 peers.
TK students are reported to the State Department of Education as kindergarten students to receive state funding. Therefore, TK is considered a retention year, and students are required to participate in statewide kindergarten assessments.
Is this a program only for young kindergarten students?
Those students with summer birthdays may often benefit from additional time, but any student who is 5 years of age on Sept. 15 during the year of enrollment will be eligible. TK gives students another year to develop physically, socially, and academically before entering kindergarten.
Can I open enroll my child to the District if we do not live within the school district boundaries?
Open enrollment will be accepted based on available program space and will follow Board Policy 501.8.
Do we need a recommendation for our child to attend TK?
This is a parent decision, and parents may request TK during the enrollment process. However, your child’s preschool teacher may also have input for you as you consider the best option for your child.
Can my child start in TK and then move to kindergarten during the school year? Or can they start in kindergarten and move to TK?
It would not be our practice to allow movement between programs during the school year.
Can my child enroll in TK and then move to first grade rather than kindergarten the following year?
TK students will move to kindergarten the following year unless data supports that the team (parent, teacher, principal) should consider an alternative decision.
How is TK different from kindergarten?
Kindergarten standards, assessment and reporting activities will be applied in the same way as all other kindergarten classrooms; however, the pace, essential focus, number of standards, and experiences will be adjusted. Additionally, more time will be spent on social-emotional and purposeful play activities. TK also promotes self-confidence and independence in students.
What if there are not enough students at my child’s building for a TK classroom?
Buildings without enough enrolled TK students will be grouped with the TK students from another school to form a class. Students who attend TK outside of their neighborhood building will have a shuttle provided to and from the neighborhood building to the attending building at the beginning and end of the school day. All students will attend their board approved neighborhood school in kindergarten and beyond.
Will a TK student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) have access to special education services?
TK students with an IEP will be provided with special education services in the same manner as other school aged students.
Will English Language Learners have access to ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) services in TK?
TK students who qualify for ESOL program support will receive services in the same manner as other school aged students.
Will a TK student have access to gifted and talented services?
TK students will not have access to gifted and talented services or the extended learning program (ELP). TK students will utilize two years to complete the entirety of the kindergarten curriculum.
Can a TK student attend before/after school childcare and/or summer childcare at their neighborhood school?
Transitional kindergarten students will have the same access to school-year and summer childcare as other kindergarten students.
Can a family who moves into the District mid-year enroll their child in the TK program?
Yes, TK will be an option for transferring students if there is available program space.